
Is it strange that when Mario 3D Land came out I wished for another New Super Mario game instead and no that I'm getting one I'm wishing for a new 3D Land? Point is both are awesome Mario games and I'll take new ones of each whenever I get the chance.

This is just what I want. While a second circle pad would've been nice I played RE: Revelations and the demo of MGS 3 just fine without it.

The Durantula? I remember back when the Seattle teams use to have cool nicknames like X-Man, Reign Man and The Glove.

Some of those were funny, but the Nintendo Wii U one actually got me to laugh.

Sweet! Another release of Okami that I can ignore! Wheeee!

I have one and I love it. It's big, but I wanted to make sure my Vita was protected.

MS needs to address the battery life as soon as they can. In my mind this will be what makes or breaks the Surface.

Guess people ragging on Lollipop Chainsaw probably didn't play it. I've only played it a bit since release, but my girlfriend and I have had a blast with the game and it's crazy ass story.

Uh, thanks?

Well there you go! Skip MoH and go get some hatchets.


How is regenerating health any worse then a checkpoint where you can restart at after you die? A realistic game would have you die, show your funeral and make you start the game at the very beginning. Instead they add checkpoints so people don't have to restart the whole game and now they've added regenerating health

You cried? Seriously? You shed tears over regenerating health?

$44.99 on both Amazon and [] and both have free shipping.

I wasn't comparing the games so much as that I was trying to point out that no matter what you do people are going to hate. If Pikmin had online multiplayer people would've hated on it for that, much like if Dead Space didn't have online people would've hated.

Dead Space 3 is announced with optional online multiplayer, everyone hates.

makes it more uniform and let's you have the whole 3DS in a case for protection.

I'm still holding out for a hardware refresh, but if a game comes out where I really need the circle pad then this will be the one I get. It solves all the problems I have with the Nintendo one.

Maybe a hippo?

Yeah, but like I've said they've attempted to make her less pretty and more human so you're not saving her because she's pretty. Of course you have to save her, it's a video game, are there any video games where the male or female lead isn't put into danger and you have to save them?