
Today, after investigating all other possibilities we finalized the plan to move Mom-in-law in with us. So after we clear out one room and move parts of another into it we'll set up Mrs. Erg and I's bedroom downstairs. We'll have four generations under one roof. Gonna be some fun times.

I'm glad someone saved and found a use for that Ron Santo tribute card.

With that snappy attitude, and a helmet pinning back those ears, it looks as though Gummo might just get out of Xenia.

That sounds pretty delicious.

Now playing

Gotta toss this song up tonight. How is everyone tonight? I've got some pizza and am preparing for the USA-Mexico match coming up. Also, new polling roundup, I totally meant to post it a day late

Playing with your food DUAN!

How many downs before the ball isn't under the center? Let me count...

So you're saying his grandma is available?

Joe Flacco's hobby is balancing his checkbook

He'll get past this trauma somehow. By all reports, Stassi is unquestionably effective at repression.

Excuse me, but this is a family site. I don't need to be constantly seeing people taking balls to the face. Take this filth elsewhere

Well, it looks like my modern, football-centered reboot of The Sound and the Fury just found its Dilsey.

The unfeeling monotone, the lifelessly black eyes, an overall disregard for his physical appearance, unflinching attention to detail: all the signs are there.

Now playing

Feeling kinda blue myself. How blue? Well, how blue can you get?

The assistant groundskeeper was thrown off by the eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg.

Seems like the Mariners wouldn't sign anyone with a "mild" stroke... stroke... stroke.

I'm not from the big city, but 15 minutes seems like a long wait for a train to take you 20 blocks. Were they the "mean streets" I've heard so much about? Did you have to cross a major waterway? What gives? Why not just walk?