
As a hospice/home Heath aide worker, I can promise you, marriage and children will not stop you from spending your last years and dying in the company of strangers. I’ve held the hand of many dying patients whose spouse and children were aware and able but simply chose not to be there. I’ve seen adult children rush a

I can’t imagine a worse reason to maintain a relationship – or bring children into the world – than my perceived financial self-interest.

A friend of mine who shares my chronically single status once said that whenever she starts feeling bad about being alone, she spends more time hanging out with her heterosexual female friends who are married or living with their significant others. Their stories about being the primary

Now playing

Well, the thing is, you aren’t alone. In this particular pain, you have a shared experience with countless others (myself included).

This really speaks to me. All of it. But for me it’s been six years without sex or even a kiss. (same amount of time single) The life celebration? YUP! I’ve thought about that a lot. That there will never be an event which all my friends will make 100% certain to attend for me. I’ve tried dating websites and found it

What is it with other people being so goddamn shitty about other people lives and their lifestyle choices? These are the same people who can’t imagine a married couple being childless by choice. Not everyone wants the same things in life but that doesn’t mean their lives are without content.

There’s a difference between working for a customer you don’t particularly like (or even loath) vs publicly acting to prop up and celebrate them. More than that, because this isn’t just “a job” they have to deal with becoming a propaganda tool for a politician who supports legislature that may directly seek to negate

“Forcing dozens of women to go and perform for this man is without a question going to be problematic.”

“Why don’t these miserable fuckers just move somewhere where they’d be happier, like maybe deep inside the rectum of the giant, seething beast that is their own feckless rage and intolerance?”

If $14 million is considered “small” money by your father, dude, you can afford to whip out the checkbook and write out a check for $75K for babies with cancer.

White Man Rule No. 4: If you can’t have something, ruin it for everyone else.

Interesting takeaway from this election cycle: Turns out that the GOP, the party that routinely wraps itself in the American flag and the Constitution, not really all that interested in democracy.

he does realize that we owe them 1.157 trillion dollars, right? i’m not sure what leverage he thinks we have in this economic situation.

The same. Because they are dumb.


Maybe if they were religious they would still be together and happy.

I was sort of hoping it was the Fixer Upper couple bc I’m a bad person.

This is the TIME Design team rn: