
Americas education system was #2 until Reagan.

My mother is like a horse whisperer for conservatives. Her mantra is “meet them where they’re at.” She asks a lot of questions. For instance, this is a conversation she had last month with a right-wing houseguest: “Why do you support Trump?” “You liberals think we’re all stupid.” “I don’t think you’re stupid. Why do

I know someone who had no idea that the President nominated Supreme Court justices. He just had a blank look on his face. I don’t know if he thought they filled out a job application like it’s Burger King or what.

Kayleigh McEnany is an anagram for Evil Succubus.

“classically studied journalist,”

I’m guilty of wishing someone would stab them while shouting “You’re not being stabbed! Your pain is a hoax! Facts don’t matter! Your blood isn’t spattered!”

I feel so, so bad for those of you who’re planning on being sober over the next four years.

Does wishing painful death on every person involved with either’s Trump campaign or his transition make me a horrible person? Because that’s all I have at this point, a desire for all these fuckers to suffer.

Sigh. Their gaslighting has become tiresome.

They believe in ‘bootstraps’ for brown people and millenials, but not for themselves. When they’re out of work, all these companies should just bring entire factories back to America despite the fact that it’s not cost-effective. When PoC/millenials want a living minimum wage, we’re spoiled brats asking a companies to

...kind of like how nobody seems to care that Petraeus leaked a bunch of classified info to his gal pal but Hillary needs to be locked up despite the FBI never being able to prove anything.

“Remember when I was a child, the five minutes of my life you decided to be a parent, you told me not to trust strangers on the internet because they didn’t always tell the truth? Remember that? Do I need to give you that same lecture?”

Hmm, just got in a shouting match with the asshole old white dude down the hall who always pops into my office to tell me how awful the Clintons are and how lazy poor people are.

Right? Oh, am I an intellectual elitist because I like facts? Well, so be it then.

But liberals are smug and condescending when they point out these people are idiotic fucknuts.

“That’s been around forever. If you keep reporting on it, it’s going to grow like a cancer,” Paula said. “If you forget about it, it’s probably going to go away. The media has to hop on everything and it’s wrong.”