
I’ve been dying to post this pic, so I’m just going to go for it with the only tie in I can think of.

What an idiot. Donald Trump didn’t want her to commit voter fraud. He wanted her to stand silently outside a polling place in a liberal-leaning area with a gun.

“Later, he called and left me a message. ‘Can you believe this? Who would say this? I don’t want people to think this about you,’” she said. “He thought that I would try to go out with him...”

Anyway, all this about “guy talk” is overblown, Bette continued. “My sister is the biggest prude in the world, and you know what she said? He’s a frickin’ man, who cares? All men talk like that. At least for us, outside the city.

The women mostly being in this age group doesn’t surprise me and tells a sad tale of how those women see themselves - they are so determined to deny their own autonomy and personhood that they actively and passionately support a man who would happily legislate it away. It makes me happy that it seems subsequent

“Women have a tough time getting hired over 55 because of cognitive decline,” she suggested.

Susan Gurney is clearly an ignorant self-hater. Women experience cognitive decline after 55, but magical men don’t? Makes sense, so let’s put a man who is 2 years older than the woman running) in office. And the thing about the way they speak? Whaaaat? She hears rationality, intelligence, and coherence when Trump

“or say ‘I don’t feel like kissing you,’ and he’ll stop”

I’ll just leave this here...

“If [Trump] hated women so much, how could he be married three times?”

Silicon Valley “big think” checklist:

Wow. I’m sorry, but you missed the entire point of this article- you literally left out what the problem is. The state police SEIZED the tens of thousands (estimated 45,000) of voter registration forms that were filled in by voters, but need to be turned in. All of those people who registered to vote will be

My experience with Delta, as a brown lady. Three years ago, flying from a meeting in Detroit to SF, standing in the premier line. Gate agent repeatedly tries to shoo me out of the line a good 10 minutes before boarding was going to start. Mind you he approached none of the other (white, male) passengers in the

Let’s split the difference and agree that the flight attendant is an idiot without insulting people based on their professions.

Weird place to put her corks but whatever.

Why does it look like there is a hand coming out from under the table and is holding onto Barron’s bum?

See I’d buy it and turn it into cat jail for when my little butt acts up.

I forgot; who is running for president in 2016?

Oddly, I would be in favor of moving to the metric system, just like the rest of the planet has.

Ellie, who is this person? Is he your Dad?