
...we very seriously do not need any additional James Bond movies that aren’t starring Black Zeus AKA Idris Elba.

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When I read it, I thought, “Like Kim picks out her own clothes.” But then I remembered that Kanye does, which made it EVEN BETTER. It’s like Telephone Shade.

oooo girl, now THAT was some shade

Thank you.

“Like a lot of people on the Left, I wrestle with the issue of balancing the necessity of engagement with self-care,” Marion Lipschutz, a grey-haired woman, older than most of the other demonstrators, told Jezebel. “Instead of my usual, Wednesday night yoga class, I took an earlier class instead, because I felt it

25-30 pounds of fruit a day? How much does is that costing him? In money and in time? It seems like you would spend all your time either eating fruit or sitting on the can.

I’m mad that Kara didn’t mention that K.Piers ACTUALLY RTed IT

Am I the only one who starts reading each case and going “oh, I wonder if I’ll get this one right, I hope I get it” and then check each ruling and go “yay me!” like this is a quiz at school?

The Ruling: Not it’s not shade, you psycho

Is there something legitimately bad about Drake? I’ll say it- Drake is a catch. Somebody ought to snap him up.

I sincerely appreciate what Amber Rose is doing for women, which I personally think is a lot. This paragraph is absolute truth:

You’d think solar experts would know from shade.

I’ve been accosted while just going for a pap smear. “We have alternatives!” To a pap smear? Because I would totally want to hear those.

That was a good album tho

If Donald Trump wants to make the city streets safer, he and Dr. Carson should stay off of them.

That’s a mischaracterization. It’s often the most expected route for renting in Williamsburg as well.

But you’d have to live in Bowie (pronounced Boo-eee by the locals). Everyone I know who lives there doesn’t want to.

WHAT DID I JUST READ?! Did the fact that the bride KILLED A CHILD make it into a story about her wedding as an aside?!

What a wedding announcement! It takes several paragraphs before it mentions the bride killed someone.