Naijaflavor, I Love Doritos

Guys, instead of focusing on one car, why don't we focus on getting everyone to drive any car with a manual transmission?

$3500 for an operational Alfa convertible? NP all day long.

Ugh. I like my ram medium rare

As sir has requested:

This would look cool with a Starsky & Hutch paint job.

Is this because auto loans are easy to get in the USA, or because the Communist Party of China is still hung up on Buicks?

remember the old days nissan built wicked pathfinders like this?? it's joined other automakers that build SUVs with hardly any off-roading capabilities for midget soccer moms. RIP old nissan

Well I wonder where they got ideas from?

Hmmm, not that bad Toyota

ladys and gents, we have a new pontiac aztek



Seriously. Just give it actual headlights please. It wouldn't be so bad with normal headlights. It's like having to look someone in the face who's lost both their eyes but doesn't wear sunglasses.

Hey! CHEVY! Want to make a good, memorable Malibu? Here's a hint on where to start:

"Who the hell paints a Ferrari refrigerator white!?" .... Chris Evans?

I just assumed this was Lindsay Lohan?

Sorry but an S10 V8 swap is way too easy to pay $6000 premium over the value of the stock vehicle, and with over 200K miles, I wouldn't value the stock Blazer at more than that. Give an extra grand for the wheels, and that still leaves $5000 for the swap. Considering the engine probably cost (depending on condition)

8k CP, 5500 would have me eyeballin'. I'm more than a little worried about how professional the install was.

Did you see the way it stumbled around? Clearly, that deer is drunk. What were these perverts doing with that deer? Did they transport it across state lines?