
I don’t know. I’m a white guy helping to raise a Rosemary plant. Are you saying I’m not half-delicious?

THIIIIIIS! My kids are half Filipino. Guess what? I’M STILL NOT. FUUUUUUUUUUUU

Not a con artist?

Wait, SERIOUSLY? Dang...I don't even know how to feel about this one.

What a happy group of all-white educators.

Well, seeing as schools are kinda the essential step of the School-to-Prison pipeline, I'm not all that shocked that teachers feel the need alienate and intimidate their students, especially those of color. Call me when teachers start to give a shit about their students again.

If you're the parent of a black child who is in one of these teachers' classrooms, you have to pull your kid immediately right? No way I trust them to be impartial.

"New York's Brightest Support New York's Finest"

I'm not an expert on what hair means to race around the world and I suspect it's complex. I support anyone who wants to play with her or his hair for fun. The focus of this essay was fairly precise: if you saw young (and less well-off) Neymar, you'd probably have described him as black-ish, and if you saw (famous,

But if you're going rob your next door neighbours (without masks and leave witnesses) you must be on some death by cop criminal run.

seriously? because he was black. blacks never get the same degree of latitude as other groups. that's why they were so happy back when OJ got aquitted. it's not that they didn't believe he actually did it; they knew he did it but he got off. which was basically unheard of for them.

I'm also willing to bet that they didn't have snipers when they went to arrest the actual white robbers.

Her name was Sarah "Saartjie" Baartman, and her story is a sad one. I was thinking about her too when I read this story. Whether you interpret this Perry stuff as connected or not, people should educate themselves about the different ways body shapes have historically been exploited and the links to institutionalized