
My wife was molested by a man in her neighbourhood when she was 13. She went on to have a normal sex life (despite the molestation actually happening!).

I believe 90% of the Women. I don’t believe this one and I don’t believe decent people are compelled to accept 100% of allegations at face value.

my position has long been: if my daughter says a thing happened to her, then that thing happened. period. no questions. no doubt. whoever did it, pays dearly. that I feel that way about my own daughter, means i necessarily feel that way about everyone else’s daughter.

the problem is, stories like that of Elissa Ennis

Agree with this...don’t necessarily doubt that the dickslapping happened, but hard to understand how someone gets dickslapped against their will as an isolated event. As part of a series of events done against one’s will, sure, but dickslapped in isolation? Odd. If I’ve decided I’m not going to go down on a dude, I

Wow! I bet you don’t care about white people having slaves either.

Jamie Foxx has recounted on several shows the crazy parties he used to throw and the types of women he’d invite and why. It seems entirely plausible that he’s treated some of them poorly or worse.

Ah, the Cosby Defense (TM).

Everytime I see a video like the one featuring Chicken Coop Cooper (I’m thinking that would be his line name) I am reminded of a couple of paragraphs from Chester Himes If He Hollers Let Him Go (1947)

If someone refers to being in the “outskirts of Atlanta,” they’ll need be more specific as “urban sprawl” has spread about 90 miles around Atlanta proper, as far north as Toccoa to as far south as Newnan.

Don’t come here. We full.

Right, so we could double it, instead of spending on a completely unnecessary, cool-looking toy to kill more people in mud huts.

You really need to read your Adam Smith: “It is not from the benevolence (kindness) of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest.”

And this TSA fiasco is not a product of under-funding. It is a holdup by public employees that we should not tolerate.

Airlines have a very high incentive to ensure people get through their airports quickly and safely.

The private sector acts solely in its own interest, nothing more and nothing less. It’s not much of a surprise that Delta would want to get paying customers in more efficiently, just as it’s not much of a surprise that Walmart and Amazon treat their employees like cattle.

Uh, yeah, it was. That is a true statement right there.

Aside from the fact that it would be stupid to take the risk, the drones they are dealing with are not of the little Toys R Us variety:

Do you really need to “understand” them? All you need to understand is that it’s an object, and as long as you know that objects can cause damage to a helicopter’s rotors, which is something I’m absolutely sure the pilots are aware of, you have all the information you need.