
Heh... and here I thought the human thing to do was survive >_>

Why would she be expected to? It's her money to do what she pleases with. Also, donating to Goodwill doesn't instantly make you a better person.

heh. I know it's not charity from her to pay off her own student loans. :P

I do understand the fun that is student loan debt. I know its not as much as a lot of graduates, but I finished school in 2009 with $26k in student loan debt and a horrible job market. I didn't mean for my first post to come off as judgmental as it did, I thought I changed some stuff that sounded bad before I posted

It's call priority and it doesn't make one less of a decent human being. It's hard for someone to help others when they need help to begin with.

Maybe she'll donate to charity later in life once she has, you know, a job and all that good stuff.

Paying off her college loans is basically charity. It's not like she's buying a motorcycle with it.

College fees are a bitch, giving up that amount of cash to charity would be the last thing that she'd do.

Fresh college graduates generally aren't in any position to dump cash into charities.

Seems kind of judgmental to me. You're not a decent human being if you don't donate to charity? WELP.

The mechanics of League are fairly simple, but this game has a high learning curve and a high dependence on teamwork. He had good teammates and he played his position well (perhaps not the best). You're entitled to your opinion, but i don't believe what he's doing is necessarily easy either, given the controls he

Now playing

Uhmmm no, dude, you can't compare that disabled guy's video with yours... Yours is about luck, not dedication.