
And video games, depending on the game, can be very stimulating for the ole noggin. My mentor in college was involved in a study in which older adults were assigned to play Medal of Honor to possibly restore some of their driving skills.

I’m so fucked lol.

I’ve been in therapy off and on for 5 years. Thanks, though.

It’s ok to not be ok. <3

Nah...these men are all proving my point.

Does this work?

Dude, relax...I know how to use Kinja...

But I think it’d be a normal thing for a guy to say, mention in a conversation about feminism or put in a dating profile.

I’ve just been thinking...I feel funny calling myself a victim/survivor of abuse/rape/sexual assault. I feel like, I’m just a woman who’s had boyfriends and had the ability to escape from them. That just makes me fortunate.

THIS THIS THIIIIIIIS! I can honestly say it was reading Jez and interacting with commenters on Jez that helped me realize all this. So until a couple years ago, I always prioritized men’s feelings. Now, since NOT prioritizing their feelings often results in violence (including verbal and psychological abuse), I

LOL! Seriously!

Hey listen, that wasn’t all directed at you. I started the rant train and couldn’t stop it lol. I didn’t even remember what I was replying to at a certain point lol.

there are good men in this world that will go their entire lives without violating another person or betraying their consent.

sometimes it’s worth it to have a conversation about what you did and didn’t like, and to talk about what consent means to YOU.

They just went ahead and did it anyway and I let them because I figured it would be over faster than the argument.

This Thanksgiving, I gave thanks to men for always proving my point.

You just demonstrated how people are so much more offended by men being accused of rape than by actual rape.

I said BYE! How many times do I need to say it?

This response indicates that you haven't changed one bit. BYE! 👋🏼

It really sucks she had to teach you how to treat her as a person.