
Um. Just read over my responses to you and the anger behind this comment is disproportionate to the snarkiness behind my comments.

No shit.

NEVER start off a sentence with “wait until you have kids.”

No kiddin’! Even though I don’t have children (and never will), I’ve like, met some before. I’ve even like, spent time with them and taken care of them and stuff. They're like men, but smaller.

I think boys can definitely have too much confidence. I mean, look who the fuck we have running for president right now! Sheesh...

“less boyfriend” = LOL!!!

This shit has happened to me before...from a dude not in my network or even the same profession. I reported him, but I don’t think anything came of it.

The first time I remember a man checking me out, I was so young and naive that I didn’t even notice it was happening - my mom did. We were exiting a Disney World theme park and we were in a crowd, so we were moving slowly. All of the sudden, my mom pushes me toward my brothers and got behind me. She looked really

I feel so validated. My approach toward sex when I was younger was much more like this woman, but over the past decade or so, men have worn me down and I’ve given so much head that I didn’t want to. I’ve been in several abusive relationships where men demand oral from me and I give in because that’s how coercion

JFC, that was THE LONGEST, most rambling, most nonsensical #NotAllMen I've ever seen! Here's your reward: 🍪

Shut the fuck up, you victim-blaming, pompous ass!

You forgot the part where you're supposed to apologize for your gender...that way, we know you're a true ally!💫

Misogyny is not a mental health issue.

This is the same model as the C train. When is the C train getting dumped and replaced? UGH!


Misogyny has been a constant throughout all of human history; it just manifests itself in different ways. Until we overhaul this white supremacist capitalist cisheteropatriarchy, women will always lose.

No...we're a misandrist household. That's why my boy roommate has a room with no window.

It was me...and it wasn't a trip to Belize with my girlfriend, it was a funhouse for Bobby.

Dude...I'm not talking about gender-based segregation. I'm talking about when I'm walking to work or going on errands: I don't want to be talked at by strangers. I leave people alone, so I should be given the same courtesy. These men wouldn't talk to me if I were a man and you know it.