
I'm so sorry to hear this happened to you...that's fucked up no one believed you.

So true...even if you've had alcohol before college, you may never have had hunch punch/jungle juice, which is so freaking dangerous...doesn't need any drugs added to it...

Also, as another commenter mentioned in my thread, someone could spike your drink after you've already tested it...and if someone saw you test it, then that person might spike it afterward...there's no winning...

Damn, I didn't even thing about that...

Also, I don't even wear nail polish...

I'd love to see those things go, actually.

This doesn't fix any problems at all, so how about these companies stop exploiting women's worst fears for profit?

I've been drugged twice, but I've consumed thousands of alcoholic beverages over my lifetime. That means that these unreliable drug-detecting products would have been useful to me ONLY. TWO. TIMES...and the only way in which I was victimized by these druggings was the two-day hangover that followed. Whoever drugged me

I don't think that's what jlfaner was saying - in my interpretation, s/he was saying that we should hold women NFL fans responsible for the NFL's choice to support an abuser.

No shit! But I've seen this tactic before a thousand times: a woman writes an article holding a patriarchal force responsible for women's oppression and then someone comes in and points out that women should also be held responsible for their oppression. What are you trying to accomplish by doing this? Going after

These women football fans have far less power to challenge oppressive structures upheld by the NFL than the NFL does. Deflecting blame as you are doing right now is ultimately ineffective.

The man in the grocery store in the OP wasn't looking for a date. He was exerting his power.

The grossest part is that all he said initially was "hi" or something, then I ignored that and walked faster ahead of him, and it was then he said something about "liking the way I walked," clearly indicating that he was talking about my ass...then I turned around and screamed my head off...I want to walk around

We are driving ourselves towards a society where soon we will not be able to interact between the sexes or else somebody MAY OR MAY NOT be offended.

An article about the harassment women experience in public isn't the best place to be asking for dating advice.

I yelled "fuck off" at a catcaller recently and the guy kept telling me that I should accept his fucking "compliment"...everyone was staring at me as if I were the crazy one...maybe I am because all this harassment is making me snap...

As a guy


Shut up!

One of the things I love the most about living in NYC is that I can take myself out on a date. I see so many more people here dining out alone and going to shows alone than I do in other cities and I love it.