
For every Christopher Columbus and Abraham Lincoln, there are a thousand women who also deserve recognition.

You're right! Women sat on their asses for most of human history and did ABSOLUTELY. NOTHING.

People weren't training their dogs under controlled conditions, so we had no way of isolating the variables involved with behavioral learning.

I just earned my PhD a week ago and I'm part of two Kinja forums full of individuals who have shared my joy and pride in my accomplishment rather than pettily accuse me of "showing off" my advanced degree. And yes, I worked damn hard for it! You know absolutely nothing about my life, so what makes you say you know


I don't think you're understanding what I'm saying. Maybe this'll explain my point better?

How do I sound hurt, exactly? Also, not all of psychological research is meant to be used to treat clinical issues. I'm an applied researcher and my dissertation work can be used to benefit older workers, helping them to remain productive at their jobs as they age. My work has no applications for clinical treatments,

Laypeople think Freud is the end all and be all of psychology. What they don't realize is that the vast majority of psychologists give zero fucks about psychodynamic theory. Most of us aren't even clinicians. Most psychologists are researchers who study typical behavior.

I agree that Freud has his place, but he unfortunately is the face of our field to laypersons, leading the public to have a very inaccurate perception of what we do. Only a miniscule percentage of psychologists are remotely concerned with psychodynamic theory. The vast majority of us conduct research on typical

Depends on who you ask. If you take a course on the history of psychology, you talk about scientists who came way before Freud was even born. Unfortunately, to laypeople, Freud is the face of psychology, which leads to gross misinterpretations of the purpose of our field.

Before Skinner, we did not know that positive reinforcement is more effective than negative reinforcement. Also, lab rats are treated way better than farm animals, especially today. Today's regulations for ethical treatment of laboratory animals are far more stringent than our standards for ethical treatment of farm


Everything is obvious in hindsight. Much of our knowledge about human behavior we take for granted was uncovered through the hard work of scientists like Skinner.

Also, if s/he thinks that experiment was

Freud was just as dangerous, if not more...his unfalsifiable theories set back the study of mental health and neurological issues by decades, not to mention the misogynistic implications of his work.

Here's my picture of the's hard to get a good picture of it. The house is definitely worth a visit - the surrounding neighborhood has some great architecture.

OMFG, I forgot all about Digit...his face is the stuff of nightmares...

Fuck you.