
As long as life goes on it fulfilled it's purpose.

I had a dream last night about two things that will NEVER happen:

A lot of Manic Pixie Dream Girls ride their bikes everywhere, but there are still times when they have to walk around on their feet like some lamestream weirdo. Do something totally authentic and have your legs replaced by wheels. I saw it on The Jetsons once. It can happen.

So this is basically a dating site aimed at hipsters?


In case you were wondering what the difference was...


LOVE that gif!

Yes, let's keep spending hundreds of thousands defending fetuses while cutting education and food stamp budgets...awesome...

I searched for this guy's music to download, but nothing turned up.

It is nerve-wracking. When I start a divisive discussion on Jez, Facebook, or the week that I had a blog (I took it down because I'm applying for jobs - I'll def get back to it later), I cringe when I see a notification that someone has responded to my comment. I try to self-soothe by telling myself that such

You should be SO PROUD! I loved reading it and I loved how you included quotations from other Jezzies. At the risk of sounding creepy, I'm following all of you now :-P*

Hey! My friend posted your blog entry on this on Facebook - so glad I was able to find your blog! Looking forward to reading more.

Does anyone say "tushy" anymore?

How come this comment went grey?

You're very welcome. I'm white and I firmly believe it is the unfinished business of feminism to make the movement intersectional, thus applicable to ALL women. Racism is white people's problem to solve - it is our fault and we are all the more guilty of it by staying silent in the face of it. Cultural appropriation

Ok, sweetiehoneypiesnookumsface! You keep ignoring what persons of color have to say!

You...didn't read the articles I linked, did you...