
Yes there is.

Gee...did she ever consider that boys like playing with guns because they're socialized to? I know there are documented innate gender differences in playing style, but shooting people is learned behavior.

The only person I can think of was the Virginia Tech shooter, who was Asian.

Congratulations on being the first rape apologist on this article about rape! There is not a single piece of writing on the internet about rape without a rape apologists' attempts to derail feminist discourse, so this is truly an honor!

I've tried that, but it won't work...guess Patrick doesn't want to be replaced!

SPIRIT GUIDE! Rando question: I've had trouble uploading an animated gif as my avatar - how did you do it?

That's so sad!

"And this is the reason small businesses in Europe see women as high risk employees compared to men and will always choose a male applicant over an equally qualified woman.

You made the statement that government-mandated paid maternity leave results in gender-based hiring bias in the UK and you cited this as evidence that, if this policy were instituted in the US, it would result in hiring bias above and beyond what already exists. This hypothesis would be supported if you found a study

You keep dodging my question: Does the UK have higher rates of gender-based hiring bias than the United States? If so, then this would support your claim that government-mandated paid maternity leave may result in men being hired instead of women for jobs. You've yet to answer this question, so you have yet to provide

The facts exist whether or not you want to believe them and you have yet to provide me with facts supporting your claim.

Employers expect women to take more time off than men because statistics show that women indeed do actually take more time off. Women need more time off because of biology - rumor has it that babies come out of women and that babies' nourishment typically comes from women's breasts.

Paid parental leave should be guaranteed for both men and women. The implications of this would be that we'd have an overall more prosperous society.

I'm arguing for equality of opportunity in the workplace and that means everyone should have the option of becoming a parent without suffering severe economic burdens and without it being a detriment to their career growth.

Feminism is about choices and, if there is no paid maternity leave, women's choice to become parents is limited by the institutional constraints on their ability to take time off to recover from childbirth and bond with a newborn. Maybe you should read up on feminism some more because workplace accommodations for

I'm basing my argument on facts, actually. Unlike opinions, facts are based on research, which is based on testing hypotheses with statistical analyses of data, the data in this case being the socioeconomic benefits of providing paid parental leave. I've extracted key points from various abstracts of scientific

Equality of opportunity is what's best for society and, in order for that to happen, women who have children need to have paid maternity leave. Otherwise, inequality persists.

The fact that people make public policy decisions based on OPINON rather than FACTS is WHY OUR COUNTRY IS FUCKED!!!

Not everyone has a "grand ma's" to send their kids to. Whether or not you agree with people's choices to have children, we have to go with what's best for our society and that's making raising a family less of a burden.