
Glad you brought this up...time off should ideally be a continuous discussion depending on the needs of the parents, the child, and the parents' jobs. Like you described, some of us have jobs that are more conducive to time off, while others would really lose out if they took time off.

I didn't intend to imply that parental should be imposed on both parents equally, I'm just saying that it should be an option, and right now, because of workplace policies and social stigma, equal time off is not an option.

...and don't insinuate that being disabled is a bad thing. I was drawing an analogy between the workplace rights that should be guaranteed for two disadvantaged populations.

"We have legislated all the equality in leave possible" —> O RLY? Are you writing to me from a more civilized developed country than the US?

Paid parental leave is a right because it is a biological and psychological necessity for parents to stay home with their newborns while not losing income while taking time off. I don't understand how paid maternity leave would not be in line with making the workplace more accommodating for women and thus a step in

You'd think these "family values" conservatives would want to spend time with their newborns...

You sound like a good poly-mentor! I imagine there are places on the internet where polies-in-training/questioning polies could seek guidance - this would DEF be beneficial for everyone!

If parental leave were divided equally between two parents, then that would be a good place to start. That way, if time off sets either parent's careers back (it shouldn't, but that doesn't change the fact that it happens), it will happen to them both equally and won't disproportionately hurt women's career

"The majority of men said that 'country has made most of the changes needed to give women equal rights as men,' where only 29% of women agreed." —> Um, maybe other countries have, but not US...

I acknowledge that being poly is a legitimate sexual orientation that works for people. However, I had an interesting conversation with a friend and she expressed concern that with the increased recognition of the poly lifestyle may cause an onslaught of insecure people using this term as an excuse to validate

"If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament.” - Florynce Kennedy, a lawyer for Gloria Steinem in the 1970s

As an innie, being poly sounds like such a horrible chore...

That cat is pulling a Sonic the Hedgehog:

Your cat fell of the couch = hilARIOUS!

How sad is it that men can distinguish themselves from other men by advocating for women's rights? They should be doing that, anyway, but because it's so rare, men make themselves so much more attractive to us if they attempt to empathize with the issues we face.

If men get the idea across that men need abortion clinics, too, then maybe they'll stay open. It's like that famous SNL joke:

Sadly, it'll probably take lots of men stepping up to the plate in order to keep abortion clinics open.


GOTCHA! I just thought about the fact that the petition needs to be signed solely by San Diegans and people can easily lie about where they're from when they're signing an e-petition.