
I love how people are all like "lookit our beautiful baby," and it looks like a seahorse and is screeching and crying...ZOMG, so beautiful, right?

You could've played ATTACK OF THE GIANT FETUS and had it fight your G.I. Joes/Ninja Turtles/Ghostbusters.

Deep-fried fetus...NOM!

"I dropped it on the floor, stomped it with my foot and said "If only it were that fucking easy!!!!"" —> THIS!

For some reason, the term "stuffed fetus" made me guffaw...

Fetuses are ugly - how are these supposed to make me feel guilty for aborting one?

"Jill Blakeway, a renowned New York-based acupuncturist" —> you lost me at "pseudoscientist"


Not to diminish the impact of gun violence (I have two family members who are victims), but obesity is probably more of a threat to the lives of the underprivileged, the effects just aren't as immediate. I hope MO doesn't divert her attention away from the childhood obesity epidemic, which disproportionately affects

So true. Wish men didn't have to have daughters in order to empathize with women :-/

I'm Italian with (season-dependent) olive skin and I've been subjected to this guessing game before, though much less so now that I live in NYC..."Exotic" has definitely been thrown my way before.

This is why I date older men (he's 8 years older than I am), though younger guys have more energy and can be open to's a trade-off...

Also, if I could choose a fictional character...

Speaking of Civil War dudes...


BENJAMIN FUCKING FRANKLIN, as played by Jack Black, the only chubby I'd chase...

This one is the Lily by Lelo. I got mine from Amazon for $60, but another commenter told me to beware of knockoffs when buying them from a third-party site. Even if mine is a knockoff, it works great!

Well, I could tell this guy was very open sexually and I actually brought it up the first time I brought him to my bed. Luckily, he was all about my vibe :-D

You sure about that? If that's the case, they did an excellent job of imitating the packaging down to the last detail.

You're my new hero...