
Not to mention these "pro-lifers" don't give a FUCK what happens to the fetus once it's born...

"I do believe that scientists are maybe incapable of understanding sex" —> EXCUSE ME?!?! Understanding sex and other natural phenomena is OUR FREAKING JOB! You make scientist cry...

Snuffles is always there for you!


ZOMG! I thought I was the only weirdo who thought stuffed animals had feelings...

Those bears are the best! I named mine Smooshie because my mom would think it was funny to smoosh his face in because it would make me cry (true story).

Tell that to my Pogs!

DUDE! I'm 28 and still have my Angelbunny (had her since I was 1), my Gund Snuffles bear, and Allie the Gator (I got her when I visited University of Florida for the first time - class of '07, baby!) just chillin' like gangatas on my bed. Yay for never growing up!


To everyone in my life who obsessed over these stupid things in the 90s...

I LOVE those little lace scarf thingies...

Dennis, Mac, and Charlie from It's Always Sunny

I feel I must pay tribute to my IRL bro, one of the bro-iest of reality TV bros, Joey "Broey" from Love Games seasons 3 and 4.

Kevin from Daria! The ultimate meatheaded bro!

Mack "Mack Daddy" Mackenzi from Daria, bro of color, aka a BOC!

So my best friend from college and I are definitely not bros when we're apart, but when we're together, I'm pretty sure each of us is half a bro and, when two half-bros combine, BRO-NESS ENSUES! Like, seriously, we drink A LOT, call each other "dude," watch It's Always Sunny, make jokes about penises, talk about our

You're missing out :-P*

UNSOLICITED SEX TIP: Ugly guys are better in bed!

Yes, pretty much anything Mark says and does is squirm-worthy!

LOVE those two guys! I dated a Brit for awhile and he introduced me to British comedy, namely Peep Show. I showed a clip from it to my social psych students.