
I'm a cyclist (heh hence the name) as well and my poor bikie is so lonely b/c of all this cray weather! bluhhhh! Thing is, I'd rather have this crap than summer b/c I get overheated really easily...I just want it to be cold or cool w/o this weird snow/sleet/WTF?

I agree with everything you just said...I'm outing Leapinnn - if you look at all of this person's comments (you can see all the previous comments if you click on the person's profile), they're totally MRA-like. S/he responded to my comment refuting her/his comment with "poor dear," which clued me into the fact that

Agreed! Well said!

According to the The Weather Channel, this is "snow," but I think this is bullshit falling from the sky...

Speaking of March, da FUCK is going on outside here in NYC? Is that rainsleetEWWWW?

Isn't there a general rule about jokes that states that, if you have to explain it, it's not really that good of a joke? If you have to go to these great lengths to explain your humor, your humor is definitely not universally-appealing, which is fine, but for the Oscars, you really should choose a host who isn't

I seriously think you should send this letter...

Thanks for speaking out!

We've got a troll on our hands...I've outed Leapinnnn...sound the alarms!

Want CNN to apologize? Sign this petition from Ultraviolet:

PLEASE SIGN this petition against CNN from Ultraviolet:

Thanks so much for sharing! Posting this on my Facebook wall, right next to this petition against CNN:

When I saw the term "ageism," I thought Jez was finally going to address discrimination against older adults...maybe someday...

I have no idea whether there's any research findings backing this up, but I wonder if there's some sort of "adjustment period" whereby your body gets used to the birth control and the side effects subside. I switched pills a couple of years ago, which left me all teary for a month or so, but this side effect

I don't get it...don't men see this type of shit as insulting? The message this Koenig dude is sending is that men have NO control over their behavior and that the only way they CAN control their behavior is if women behave a "certain way," which usually means adhering to victorian rules governing our behavior, which

I predict that soda will eventually be as taboo as cigarettes...

"There were no circumstances for committing suicide. His mental state was stable, the trial was going well, he was meeting with his family. I can't understand why he would commit suicide" —> um...let's see, here...maybe he, um...FELT REMORSE?!?! Just a guess...