
HEAR HEAR! If we put as much energy into educating men about how not to rape vs. teaching women to "defend" themselves, then maybe, just maybe...we'd...reduce...the...occurrence...of...RAPES!

"the rape fairy will make it all disappear" —> heh

"an employee contract that stated that "sexually immoral behavior, including premarital sex, adultery, pornography and homosexuality" are prohibited" —> WTF kind of world do we live in?!?! What century is this again?

From the class rage tumblr: "Yes, I know full well that there are many people in this world who are worse off than me, but that doesn’t invalidate my experiences." —> This statement can apply to SO MANY things! I'm so glad I read this line...I observed in the Jez comments sections women complaining about being

Thank you for affectively addressing the invisible (but increasingly less so due to Occupy) class structure that exists in the US...I was accused of being classist once in college, and of course got all defensive and squirmy, much like the white males in women's studies classes...being forced to confront my own

Good one!

That poor woman! Horrible story...

Agreed! What is with the fashion world's obsession with battered women? It's like they were sitting around and thinking " can we incorporate bruises into this photo shoot....I know! Boobies SO BIG they hit you in the eyes when you run!"

I second that...there's no way this is real...

Snap indeed!

My line of thought with this comment was leading to me divulging that I haven't worn makeup on a regular basis since I started graduate school 4 years ago. I haven't had to purchase new makeup since I've started graduate school...I was going to suggest to everyone that they just put down the mascara and go to work "as

I'm curious about your disciplinary background - this article uses the terms "pessimism" and "optimism" differently than what I'm accustomed to...I'm a developmental psychologist by training and my work is focused on the aging process. We consider "optimism" a psychological strength, a coping mechanism that can be

Could this greater instance of PTSD have more to do with socioeconomic status differences, rather than race? Being diagnosed with cancer is FAR scarier for low-income women...

I thought this was going to address the more substantial costs of modern womanhood, such as pay inequity, the additional time we spend doing housework and childcare, the additional hours we put into our education and jobs in order to achieve the same recognition and job status as men...instead, this article gave me

I exercise, eat well, and take care of my brain not because I'm pessimistic, but because I'm realistic - I'm realistic because I'm educated about successful aging.

I shouldn't have to peg my guy in order for him to be sensitive to my needs...

This article conflates pessimism with practicality (e.g., preventative health measures).

Sounds like a South Park episode...

Truth! If the religious right were true followers of Christ, the would be doing all they could to help the poor. Instead, they're Republicants in congress who are systematically hurting the poor AND the unborn who they claim to care so much about...

My Grammy's house smells great! Much better than mine...