@arozzi 수동차 마시고 싶어: It's not enough to counter the loss in power. Pretty insignificant, actually. There's also more drag on the tires because of the fact that the salt is not as solid as pavement

Dear Porsche Marketing Dept:

@arozzi 수동차 마시고 싶어: the salt flats are at an altitude over 4,200 feet... the stock one wouldn't be able to get nearly to 227 because of the atmosphere

he deserves a commendation for putting that many miles on the car, even without the record achievement. put them together, and this guy wins ferrari owner/enthusiast of the year, hands down

Best line of the article: "My wife came with a 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier as standard equipment and I married her anyway."

I've got a '73 911 and an '08 Boxster. I'd say they're more alike than the '73 and a 997. It's about handling, not pure speed. I traded my 06 M5 for the Box, and don't miss the power. Well, not much.

@Channan: uh, reading comprehension... if you ALREADY OWN ONE it costs NOTHING. How do I know this? I know this because I ALREADY OWN AN iPhone 4 and I don't have to buy an Apple TV to experience this functionality. His comment was only about the functionality of the iPhone.

@Jagvar: very classy! LP400 sans spoiler and flares, very few people, even enthusiasts think of this one when the countach is brought up. gandini's pure design...

@Xander Crews: sub 5 second? umm... last i checked there are POS american cars that can do that. sub 4 second and you MIGHT get my attention.

absolutely gorgeous. i love big german coupes.

@scojac: if you don't have one of those, you don't get to complain. netflix has been on dozens of systems for years. don't bitch because you're a late adopter

@Zinger314: they still make VGA cables?

@PACKFAN4LIFE: yeah, because new technology sucks. why the fuck would you not upgrade to iOS 4? what a waste

@Channan: uh, it's cheaper if you already have an iPhone and don't have an Apple TV.

@diesel828: or, get a decent set top box, Apple TV, TiVo, or just a TV with netflix support and join the 21st century.

@Daniel Ward: agreed. i've been a netflix subscriber for 5+ years but frustrated about no video output on my iphone for the treadmills. i'm looking forward to it, if netflix is going to output on the gym equipment now!

@bepposupermonkey: once you stop being a cheapass and get an iphone 4, you'll get these new features too.

@aleblanc4655: who gives a fuck about the 3GS? get a new phone.

Does this mean I'll finally be able to watch Netflix on the treadmill tvs at my gym? They have no problem playing videos from the iPod app, but no netflix...

@GuyWithDogs: You could fill a book with legal interpretations of the word "reasonable." I'd have to say that looking up a definition of that term would be more egregious than the one in this case.