That’s Denmark for ya.
That’s Denmark for ya.
Yeah, but Sanders isn’t really a democratic socialist. He advocates for a social democracy, and is, in essence, simply a very liberal democrat.
Or you’re unclear on the definition of “Democratic Socialism.”
Yes, you are. Socialism is not communism.
You can tell for a beat that Rodgers is thinking about it, knows that he is going to get bullshit for it, and then just says “fuck it, this is too important” and then says it anyway.
He has always come across as an intelligent, thoughtful guy. This confirms what I have always thought about him.
Maybe...maybe not...maybe fuck ya’self
There was ONE explosion in the entire movie - and it’s a DISTRACTION meant for Owen to give away his location. For a 20 year old raised on Bay/de Bont/Peterson, that was the moment when I realized that this was a completely different breed of action film.
Plus Johnny Lee Miller and Dev Patel.
How could you possibly leave Underworld out?! (who later scored Trance)
While I don’t disagree that 28 Days Later is his best film, I have to say that Sunshine is my favorite of his. It’s probably my favorite sci-fi movie ever, almost purely based on how fantastically beautiful it looks, even compared to the hyper-produced films that you mentioned before.
Sunshine is underrated at 4th. I’d even say it would be underrated at 4th in a list of best sci-fi movies, let alone just Danny Boyle movies.
Favorite comments from the Soundcloud:
Wait. Wait. You want to put fucking Inboxghazi on par with all the intensely heinous shit that Weasel Walker’s pulled? Like, for serious?
Sports content: He was enough of an idiot to push and approve $250 million in public funding for a Bucks stadium (while wanting to cut $300 million from the UW system budget).
I’ve maintained from the beginning of this that of all the entrants in the epic clown joust that is the Republican nomination fight, Walker was the most evil. Carson is a paranoid loon, Trump is an idiot showman, Bush is a failure on par with his brother, Cruz is a soulless egoist with the face of a melted Muppet,…
Public sector Ohio worker here. I’m sorry. Because of Walker, we were able to ram John Kasich’s SB5 right back up his ass.
In a just world he would be the world leader in getting hit by trains;