
“Jimmy Olsen’s Blues” is a classic.

He was the best Wolfman. Horribly underrated movie.

I always thought Kylo Ren was going for a Revan-esc look rather than a Vader one.

That song is a classic.

Remember the Ross Perot sketches on All That?

Tommy Carcetti wouldn’t have dropped out. Or maybe he did. Have David Simon and Aiden Gillen weighed in yet?

That Jonny Quest art....yes!

Out of curiosity, how much of the script was verbatem what Palin actually said?

Now playing

Always relevant to a Wile E. Coyote discussion:

Both. They’re amazing. Best two films of 2014. I would say Snowpiercer (it’s on Netflix), as it’s a bit more quicker paced and visually exciting (The Rover’s gorgeous but bleak in visuals). There’s an actor that shows up near the end, if you haven’t had it spoiled, that I did not see coming and really killed it. The

This sounds amazing. I’ll have to check it out.

“If it does not work you can always hit him with it.”

Sanders seems to use dem-soc and social-dem interchangeably. They’re different, but from what I’ve seen from interacting with Europeans and Sanders advocates, using the terms interchangeably isn’t a big deal, since the policies he’s advocating for is more definitive than any term.

What Sanders describes and advocates is called social-democracy, where govt. handles essential services, but private ownership exists. Basically the Nordic Model found in Norway, Denmark, etc. Why he doesn’t say social-democracy but instead flips the term, I don’t know.

I stand by what that previous article about Michael Jai White said: Why is he not a bigger star? He’s got that Dwayne Johnson charisma and badassery.

People keep asking if he’s back, and yeah, he’s thinking he’s back.

Best Actress: Theron for Mad Max, no question.
Best Supporting Actor: Benicio Del Toro, Sicario. Again, no question. Utterly amazing.
Best Supporting Actress: Alicia Vikander, Ex Machina.
Best Picture: Mad Max Fury Road.

Different. He’s...James Marsters now? Seriously, that looks like James Marsters.

Blade II was good. Not very good, but good. It had a moment where GDT’s visual sense permeated into the story: Blade, rising from a pool of blood like Ra’s al Ghul rising from the Lazarus pit, revitalized and ready for third act ass kicking.