Umm...vampires - especially Dracula - can go out in sunlight. They just are weakened significantly. It's in the book. It wasn't until Nosferatu that the myth of sunlight killing vampires came into being.
Umm...vampires - especially Dracula - can go out in sunlight. They just are weakened significantly. It's in the book. It wasn't until Nosferatu that the myth of sunlight killing vampires came into being.
Come on guys, stop dissing The Wolfman (didn't io9 give it a positive review?). It was an amazing film and a great horror film that was actually horror-filled and not just "SURPRISE!" and gore filled (every other "horror" movie today). It sometimes hurts admitting being a fan of it. :(
Oh come on! I thought this was about the James Robinson/Chris Smith comic about the Golden Age DCU characters. That's one of the best comics ever written, and would make an excellent story.
Call me crazy, but I enjoyed it. Maybe I just really miss Lost, but hearing the music and seeing those sets was fun.
Eva Green as Talia al Ghul would be utterly amazing.
Am I the only one that liked Johnson's The Wolfman? Lack of prep time or not, that was a fine film.
Great article. Although, I have to say, I love Push. It wasn't generic, it was extremely clever.
I'm excited for this. The plot synopsis sounds interesting, and the cast is great (Rhys Ifans as Hook? Yes! He kind of dropped off my radar after 2000, but between this, HP, and Spider-man, it's cool to have him back). Also, unlike Alice and Tin Man (I loved Tin Man though), it looks to be not as steam/cyberpunky, and…
In the Big Finish episode Zagreus, the TARDIS is revealed to be sentient, and seems to have a very symbiotic relationship with the Doctor.
@Zuldim: It confuses me too. Then again, I'm confused at how a lot of people like the whole polarization of horror movies (for instance, vampires: gore sappy Twilight romance).
I like the idea that Hollywood would make smarter movies. It probably won't happen, but I like the idea.
I'm glad to see Predators in the best of list, but I completely disagree with The Wolfman. That was amazing, and the twist grew ever more disturbing as you thought about it. Great acting, solid direction, and it was a horror film in the style we have not seen since the classic Universal Monster movies: suspenseful and…
Dorff is a pretty good actor (and absolutely BRILLIANT in The Passage, a really great suspense film costarring Neil Jackson from Blade the Series), and I liked him as Frost. I'd like to see some form of his idea get made.
@improprietary: True. But, I don't know, if I could have that house in the Hollywood Hills, with say, just enough distance from people, but easy to get around, I would pay anything for it.
@mekki: That pretty much sums it up.
@SG-17: And the Doctor wants a fez!
I loved it. It was amazing, and I'm in awe. But you forgot some of the coolest parts:
Hmm, it sounds interesting, but another objectivist "hero" like Rorshach just scares me.
David Strathairn. That's enough to get me to watch. He was absolutely brilliant in Good Night, and Good Luck.