NSA america

Remember parents, your kids will be growing up in a society that has standard names and isn't into gaming like you are so they won't be as accepting as you are. These names you give can have a lot of weight on how your kids will be judged in school and at work in the future. Why not give it as second or third name?

China has so much money and all but it's still so weak when it comes to AAA games. I find it's a real shame. We need more game developers and it would be a nice change to have such a big market play too.

Problem is, you will be more critical about the quality of the game while younger ones will take anything they can. What they want is you to spend all your money for your kids. That means the taste of kids with the money of parents, so a mediocre and cheap to produce game for a gain of lot of money.

Resident Evil 6 is not a terrible game but you can sense how they have absolutely no vision of what they want.

Makes more sense now! Thanks.

Why would he be a hypocrite?

Merry Saturnalia everybody! Spend some good time with your families!

Well, you know, if you want to effectively destroy the enemy you have to fly into the ships of the enemies, not your own? Don't you think so?

How do people finance such stuff? That's just insane

How is it flaming? I just find it ridiculous when somebody is saying that they SINGLEHANDEDLY keep PC gaming going.

Don't talk to loud, fanboys will attack you for not worshiping the same god. It's ridiculous, they extrapolate their experience of spending 30$ a year on video games to everybody and think it saves PC gaming while ignoring the fact that many people don't want steam but were forced into the system.

Yeah, if we didn't have steam there would never be these huge successes like WoW and Minecraft, they really saved PC gaming.

Do you want to know the sad truth?

You think too much, take a beer.

Yes, it's too much.

Mao set china back by 40 years, if they didn't have him, they'd be the biggest power in the world right now.

It's 700W max, you don't use that much ever, if you do then you have a problem and have to get a bigger PSU. PC consumes as much as you want it to consume, you can go from nearly nothing to needing a power plant next to your house.

Must I remind you that I am an AI hivemind and have absolutely no feelings? You hentai anime are useless against me!

Overmarketing, loads of production value and expensive superstar actors for voicing. All very important things for video games!

Sounds like a hoax, next thing you'll tell me that your god created the world 4000years ago and the only proof you have is a book.