Huh. We’re different people then. Anytime people dress up old timey and show big guns around, I get excited.
Huh. We’re different people then. Anytime people dress up old timey and show big guns around, I get excited.
Lot lizard!
Almost had a stroke when I figured out the joke. +1.
And now he’s going to be disqualified for having the runs.
Germans have a weird affinity for red and black color schemes.
If General William Tecumseh Sherman would have done a better job, we wouldn’t have to witness this yearly March to Seven and Nine.
They literally tried to make their own helmet, with Blackjack and hookers.
I believe 164 BCE was also the last time a Buffalo sports team was in the playoffs.
Auditioning for a Bond villain?
Isn’t it odd when somehow sexual assault is “funny” when it’s a woman doing that to a man/boy? Especially when taking advantage of social status, wealth and employment.
Chug Truthing since 2014:
Freddy, quit writing articles about stuff you clearly don’t even understand. Since, if you did understand it you would be way more in tune with the real problems of BMW motors and cars then this shit ass list put together here.
Maybe for your next article you can jump on the IMS bearing failure for Porsche train like…
Starting it off early this year.
Dude, oval racing is actually extremely technical and difficult to do. We’ve seen countless times guys come from road racing series up to F1 and struggle to compete even at lower NASCAR tiers. The problem here is not the ovals, it’s the high banked 2.5 mile superspeedways. There is basically no need to brake in the…
Well, at least they can leave Kimi Raikkonen alone, he knows what he’s doing.
I look forward to hearing “the wildebeest has left the building” and “the eagle flies at midnight” at the next F1 race.
Was that one of those Tour unwrittens. Dont attack the yellow on a fall? I seem to recall a lot of that stuff over the years. Or maybe that was just with mechanical stuff. For al the cheating, there seemed to be some sort of honor code.
Now we just need to swap a bench seat and column shifter into it.