Biggus Dickus (RevsBro)
Now playing

Might as well kick what is left of my credibility to the curb.

Finance IS the business of risk so it underlies every financial decision.

Opportunity cost (of my time and other factors) covers that. Just an FYI.

Just understand interest rates (at least in terms of debt products) are at their simplest a product of the perceived risk of an investment compared to the risk free rate, U.S. Treasury securities.

Thats exactly why I said there are a lot of factors other than just the rate the bank/dealer is giving you. The S&P 500 over time has returned an average of I believe around 7-8% (subject to a lot of volatility though) per year. Interest rates in the 80’s were abnormally high. Ultra simple example: If your borrowing

In all seriousness, you have to consider the time value of money, cost of capital, and opportunity cost to figure out if borrowing or paying cash makes sense.

Provided the rims didn’t melt and can be cleaned, I’d pay a decent amount of money for them.

Switch to a carburetor. Nuclear war and associated EMP blasts will likely knock out Electronic fuel injection.

Excellent. My BA stock should have a nice gain on Monday.

Don’t know if it qualifies as amazing but the BMW Z8 certainly applies here.

Come you you Pleb, Fly first class!

Wooooo! First #1 AOTD. I’m going to party soo hard with Incontinetia Buttox tonight!

Obvious answer is obvious.

Not to mention $$$$ Consultants, Lawyers, and accounts that have hourly billing rates well over $1000/hr.

I’m sure someone could find economic viability to fly the plane after some regulatory help. If the plane could fly across the continental US routes between major hubs like NY, Chicago, Atlanta, and LA it could be profitable. All of that in addition to NY, London and Paris.

So, I’m stupid for having my own opinion? So much for tolerance of other peoples opinions.

Scent of WD-40.

Sanders is the Bane of my existence = I don’t like his policies. A statement of personal opinion.

Switzerland my friend. I have family there.