
Cleo Lemon is getting calls as well now to come back? smh

Patrick, we all know that we can prove it and sometimes not prove it. Don’t we have diamonds that grown above ground now? Isn’t that supposed to be not possible? >:)

the apple cider vinegar and that tea (kamobucha or whatever) aren’t miracle tonics. If they were, they would be priced insanely high. ie., that owner of one of those pharmaceutical drugs for cancer raised the price so high its literally price gouging.

Where I live Justin, they must not see any of those millions of gallons of gas you mention. Now I don’t know if the gas stations where I live just have cheap ownership, lazy ownership or what but there are stations I’ve went to and they have been out on occasional basis or very low way before that hurricane showed up.

Im just curious as to know if not being a jerk but still getting shoe deals or success for your sons or daughters is possible? Like, did Lavar decide that the only way to progress with his agenda was to act the way he acts and perpetuate stereotypes? Im sorry Chris, I’d say both him and NCAA have issues. One small

$14 for chicken? I mean I knew that whole foods was pricey (ive only been in one store once and didn’t wander by the chicken area) but geesh.

Thats why you’re not supposed to feed ducks either. They’re animals everyone; they can find food on their own and don’t need human help. Don’t feel sad for them when they walk by you either, verbally tell them “you’re looking in the wrong place buddy, the water is over there!”.

We look forward to seeing your next session. You are doing another session. I mean learning how to use a sword properly means people won’t F with you. :P

Regardless of job or not, risking your life like that isn’t a smart call. I mean no one here in the comments is trying to trick each other: extreme weather kills people and sometimes even the people coming to help the people.

I’ll just probably send some money. i have no way to travel all the way over there to give more assistance and yeah you don’t “think” it will every be you that gets your entire life tossed away and having to start over. But when it is.....

Rainbow Road. The 1st one. The SNES one. Not the remaked one on Mario Kart 8. If your favorite track has barriers then you aren’t ready.

well I guess stacey is having onset early dementia. unfortunate.

Lisa Lampanelli. what did she get on her last show? Regardless, 11million isn’t enough?

Roy Gracie? lol

Now playing

I think the british folks aren’t having a coronary Jaime. They just found that any scientific research on this is whack. I mean how far does it go? what is a good reason to cut in line? are you having a baby so you need your coffee and stamps sooner before running off to the hospital?

The robots in the back arent robots Dvora. Its just that they see gymnasts doing awesome things all the time their brains neurons have become overloaded from the skills and their bodies can’t express the emotions anymore. :P

Id take Frank Castle right now. Like right now because geesh he understands even in his psychosis to not do what the real cops do.

I’ll wait till it gets to network television.

Im necro posting, but the Lada models are just ordinary os teh Ford LTD from the 1980's. Meaning no matter how clean the apint and parts are they still look & scream “WE CAVEMEN BUILT NORMAL CAR”. I mean look at those doors. lol

If I say crack pipe because Im from the future, will that work? I mean if this football player is letting it go then cmon. what hope do I have of upkeep with that kind of sled if all that stuff already happened to it?