
Thats the quote right there:

That statue sitting out in the middle of the water (why is it all the way out there??) is kind of weird IMO. I mean its not that we didn’t mind getting a physical monument to represent the freedom we worked for. Its just strange that France was wanting to give us the statue and that we hadn’t already built one

Apparently. But geesh I mean she had very crazy circumstances that should have been considered exceptions. At least she got out of there.

I mean will it be that bad Clover? Im sure at least something like the jacket will be useful. Kakuzu has demonstrated that not everything goes according to plan and that includes putting apparel.in your suitcase.

Now if the guys can get something like that for downstairs.....

They have a blanket ban on abortion? Why?

I mean can we all agree that the least the lady could have done was give him a couple of the differences between the two models and then just walk away? I mean I would have had a sour taste, but I would have had my question answered.

Remember when pitchers would throw the ball, a literal “weapon” at batters instead of to the catcher? The alleged unwritten rule? Yeah pitchers, guess what its not so fun when the ball is heading back in your direction is it!!

Whitney I hope you all plan to followup with this article. If there are additional links and stuff, it would help to add them. Put the small nuggets of information in as many places as you can.

lol even the chairman was like “cmon man, you making us look bad! we got things to do!”

Its not even criminals. I’ve seen service people that work in the service department that are supposed to drive your car into the mechanics bay area not know how to drive a manual but work at a car place.

I’ll take that last paragraph as some slight humor and not any real meaning behind it since it opposes the paragraph above it.

New York & Texas. the state that ignores everything but themselves & the state where there is a serial rapist raping men.

I remember when folks were saying that taser guns were supposed to be the non lethal first action. Man look how fast that went away, eh? Remember that college kid that got tasered “dont taze me bro!?” I mean hes probably glad he didn’t do his outburst now in 2017.

LOL! that animation of rhianna(rihanna).

Can Chuck Norris even save the Browns so that they can at least go 9-7 and actually be over .500 for like 3 seasons in a row? like cmon, im just looking at it from a business aspect. The Browns were tossed out of the NFL and brought back for a 2nd chance to do better. SO DO BETTER.

*sees photo of metal sitting in liquor*

Just don’t go after the coelancanths okay people? if you do, you’ll have a problem with me. >:) Coelancanths are awesome and have probably the best name for an animal.

New comment on old article, but that is a common theme on bad games:

Still not helping the motto of “protect and serve”. police in general need to tighten up. good god.