
lol even the chairman was like “cmon man, you making us look bad! we got things to do!”

Its not even criminals. I’ve seen service people that work in the service department that are supposed to drive your car into the mechanics bay area not know how to drive a manual but work at a car place.

I’ll take that last paragraph as some slight humor and not any real meaning behind it since it opposes the paragraph above it.

New York & Texas. the state that ignores everything but themselves & the state where there is a serial rapist raping men.

I remember when folks were saying that taser guns were supposed to be the non lethal first action. Man look how fast that went away, eh? Remember that college kid that got tasered “dont taze me bro!?” I mean hes probably glad he didn’t do his outburst now in 2017.

LOL! that animation of rhianna(rihanna).

Can Chuck Norris even save the Browns so that they can at least go 9-7 and actually be over .500 for like 3 seasons in a row? like cmon, im just looking at it from a business aspect. The Browns were tossed out of the NFL and brought back for a 2nd chance to do better. SO DO BETTER.

*sees photo of metal sitting in liquor*

New comment on old article, but that is a common theme on bad games:

Still not helping the motto of “protect and serve”. police in general need to tighten up. good god.

Still confuses those fans up there in ohio. Either Irving never liked Ohio and just put up with it to get a ring, or he thinks he can just go Kevin Garnett style pre Celtics and go to a .500 team and get his points & money and thats it.

Or, he could also stay in Cleveland and learn to play better defense?

iced tea mixed with whiskey. (are we really going to break this down Bobby? 8D)

Its not an anomaly Aimee. Whales can’t have fun like us? Yeah they can catch air just like Tony Hawk! except they don’t need a skateboard. 8D

So she was set up? No cameras turned on in the car or on the cops either? A disturbance....yeah how many times have we’ve heard that and the police were like already there. We’ll never know what she even said to the driver. Did she say something on youtube that made sensitive cops in minnesota want to kill her?

Cecilia: Humor?

Okay Michael, you didn’t mention anything about the naked stuff. I do not have HBO and I’ve only been able to see excerpt clips of the show (I don’t get much free time like you all). The only reason I can’t bring myself to watch it is because now its become like the sporanos or dragonball z where its too many episodes.

Remember why americas funniest videos got popular? remember that tv show about humans doing dumb things?

It may take many years to move the “issue mountain” we all know about in online gaming Cecilia. Specifically team oriented games will have that greater propensity (and fighting games). You & I can play some Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet one day though. Its still a teamwork game that is fun but you won’t need a mic

I think the R/T is the lowest model you can get the manual transmission on. That way its still cheaper a little than the T/A and you can do some weight reduction before deciding if you want more horsepower.