I could always take a nice shirt, though it does seem a bit bullish to dress this way.

my cords aren't a mess at all.

I can tell you my triumph spitfire was not winter tested.

its not the same car

What do you do for a living? (or roughly what field). Are there multiple ways to do it?

In my field starting with pen/paper or jumping to the computer/wacom can yield very different results. I may do a good job either way but the limitations and strengths of each medium lend themselves to different styles. I'll

my brother in law was doing 20-30 over in Ohio. After a few months home in Ontario the Ohio police called him, said he had to pay, and he laughed it off. A judge called him a month after that, said don't come back to Ohio if he doesn't want to pay serious fines/face jail time. We visit the US fairly often and in the

Everest is closer too 30,000ft, not 25,000

the other day a pickup with a spare in the back went over train tracks. the spare bounced out and clobbered the front end of the guy in front of me. true story, but file away in case you need

aluminum doesn't rust. but it pits and breaks down if it is cheap, as anyone who has owned older aluminum rims knows

Italy invaded Ethiopia in 35
Japan invaded China in 37, Soviet Union in 38
Hitler annexed Austria, Czechoslovakia in 38

Invasion of Poland / declaration of war by France/UK on germany in 39

whatever those things are terrible for you anyhow

whatever those things are terrible for you anyhow


K-TEC / BLENDTEC. I've been a bartender for 15 years I've used them all and blendtec is the best. Commercial level blendtec is/was K-TEC and is the absolute best. Vitamix is way overrated and basically a department store level product, its huge, has to many things that go with it, and isn't as strong.

K-TEC / BLENDTEC. I've been a bartender for 15 years I've used them all and blendtec is the best. Commercial level

Im sure that western epidemics (diabetes for example) are a hot topic in Guinea.


Not China, Spain, Brazil, and Russia. Not Canada either. Hell, the truth is the US openly does quite a bit of business with Cuba despite the so called "el bloqueo"

FM radio
bigger battery
WAY tougher

provolone and fresh moz (fior de latte)

sort of