this is what I've been trying to say. As an argument for evolution they aren't presenting it well. The fact that an animal who can kind of do land or sea, but neither all that well, is better than any transitional fossil.

yes. My issue is that a casual observer tends to make the same mistakes as Lemark. This can lead to a problem - people overestimate what evolution claims to be - which leads to 2 further problems: they believe the right thing for the wrong reasons, or for the right reasons they believe the right thing is wrong.

You've basically said that all bananas are bananas. So yes, the ones that survive more to reproduce survive more to reproduce. But when an organism's bones change over its life their offspring are not born with those changes.

Its also a transitional organism. You know how people are always screaming "but where are the transitional fossils?!?"

Well here is a living one representing the sea-land transition.

Yes I know that the "hard work" gene could be passed on. But that's nowhere near what the video might lead people to believe - that changing my bones today will change those of my unborn children's

can you give me the specific cases? Im not sure I read you.

"those who could more easily "walk" on land/ adapt would be bred with each other and those that don't adapt so easily would be bred with their own type. "

I think I misunderstood. It sounded like you were suggesting the fish will say "hey, I walk, you walk, let get hitched!"

The bone structure not changing was the point

Yes, possibly. But DNA mutations occur from urepaired DNA damage and errors in replication and not jogging practice. So what we see is not a mutation.

Evolution is fact, sorry. If you don't "buy it" the real problem is that you don't understand it.

yea. that individual fish. but he can't pass his learned behaviour on genetically.

No. Not "maybe not the skeletal changes"

can't wait

oooooo sorry. hahaha.

Yes those with more "skeletal malleability" are more likely to catch onto walking sooner. But their babies will be born with the same original bone structure as their parents were born with. All bichirs can walk…you might find that the softer boned ones actually die sooner outside the lab because on land vs. on the

It doesn't matter. I shouldn't have mentioned the muscles its confusing.

Im talking about the part at 2:23, when the researcher notices that the skeletons of land living bichirs changed as they adapted to walking. This is no different from muscles getting larger from working out, or human bones changing from repetitive movement or binding. These changes are not genetic and will not be

the skeletal changes wouldn't be passed on but still pretty cool

Beside the L in LIGHT you get that weird space inside the L between the L and I. The word looks like shit unless tracked right out - but they have limited space. "Light" as they have it is no ideal, "light" looks nicer but the descender is not good for this kind of labelling application. All in all a tricky. Opting

this is the only way. Reason that if you are going to quit one smoke has to be your last, might as well get that over with