
This is a stunningly beautiful car, but am I the only one driven (excuse the pun) insane over the mismatched wheels? I understand there’s probably functionality behind the design of the front wheel cover, but I think it really takes away from the design. The front wheel looks like a futuristic wheel boot, though even

If this happened to my vehicle, I’d be crushed.


I fixed it for you.

I fixed it for you.

“You need a cigarillo, pencil mustache, and a finely tailored suit to pull this thing off properly. Perhaps at one point in your life you’ve tied someone to train tracks. Several people, even.”

Bravo Sir. I loved this anecdote. 


I’ve seen more powerful meteors.

Dude, where’s my car... company?

That’s a different argument, but you are absolutely correct. They have been building these under license “although for on-road use and specifically for sale within India” for a long time. I believe the Roxor being targeted for sale in North America exceeds that license.

My current query is with regard to the “grill

Please correct me if I’m misinterpreting this, (I know you all will).

FCA promises no future litigation against Mahindra if they promise to use the new agreed on grill design on their off-road products. So, Mahindra thinks it’s okay to take it ten steps further and rip-off every other iconic Jeep design element?

“he faces charges”

He also briefly faced the sky, on-coming traffic, and ultimately a tree. 

Hey guys, I’m really confused! Where is this motorcycle you’re talking about?

I actually liked the Chrysler Aspen a lot.

Yes, I’m almost completely sober. Why do people keep asking me that?

Unless they have the cheap plastic factory air-dam shipping covers, I’m out.
They do?
Okay, unless they’re the yellow....
They are?
Do they have the....
That too? Well I’m out of excuses then.

I kind of like this one, but I did forget my glasses at home.

“Ford rounded up 60 Mustang owners to park their cars in the shape of the number 10 million. It appears to have gone smoothly.”

But how many casualties where there when they left the parking lot? 

(Note: I do love the look of the current model)

The only accent that might pass for personality is the honeycomb pattern on the seats”

Accent, eh?

You state that “the Roxor isn’t at all even the same product as a Jeep”? 
Please see items (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) listed above.