
So to you, it’s acceptable for any unlicensed company to copy and sell a not-for-on-road-use a mini Mustang, mini Camaro, mini F150, and so on? To profit from those nameplates, not be held accountable with regard to the owners accepted standards of quality, workmanship, or materials?

My local dealer has had a similar truck on their lot for a couple months. (Brett Chevrolet, Saint John, NB)

NEUTRAL: I want a Nissan S-Cargo.

Man, just look at that S-car-go.

I just found a recent photo of Audi CEO Stadler- at right.

I’ve always said my Jeep Wrangler has the aerodynamics of a brick. This Jeep Liberty driver just has to out do everyone. 

That makes more sense. Thanks

Me: There are still Blockbuster stores!!!

They make maple syrup in Alaska? I did not know this.

Tesla didn’t actually start manufacturing their first car; the Roadster until 2008 and only produced 2,418 vehicles. The Model S started production in 2012, so really they’ve only been producing cars for 10 years. If you insist on begrudging their low (though steadily increasing) volume, I assume you must absolutely H

Obviously it’s your money, how you spend is up to you. I certainly won’t dispute their cash-flow situation does raise some red flags, but Tesla didn’t even exist a few years ago, and yet according to this article “Tesla’s the first automaker to reach the 200,000 vehicle ceiling.”  That’s pretty impressive. To be

The $2,500 was not a price increase, but more-or-less a secondary deposit.

First of all, my post was in jest, but do you really think the “whistleblower” will come away unscathed if it turns out his claims are proven to be untrue? Plus, he’s admitted that he illegally hacked into his employers system and released their private data to competitors... you think that’s going to have no

I know what’s going to happen to this guy.

I’ll see myself out.

“the wreck is being ruled as a racing incident”

If that’s the case, what place did the Tow Truck finish? 

“$2500 more for a car you’ve already put a deposit on so it can be built in a tent in a parking lot”

Your point is of course valid, but for some reason it really doesn’t bother me. I must be drinking too much of Elon’s koolaid.

I’m not sure if you are being sarcastic, so forgive me if I missed the joke, but even with the doors properly closed the light in question is ‘on’ all the time. It’s a little tic-tac sized soft light inspired by Close Encounters of the Third Kind. (Okay, I made that last part up).

This needs more stars.

You are an idiot, and can pronounce that any way you want.