

Because bad fanart is funny, and for some reason, that thing over there reminded me of The Rock.

not a Photoshop but something funny I found in the video.

Courtney vs

I wish Bioware would let me choose what kind of lover I'd be. I'd have a huge build up (like spend 20 in game hours flirting) and then our first time having sex, I'd slam into her 3 times (twice missing the hole), turn over, and fall asleep before she could say, "G'night". It would be magical.

"Draw me like one of your Orlesian Qunari."

You want to ride the bull

Why was sonic twerking? ...I think I need an adult.

At first I thought "Man, the 90's were weird, man..."

Then I saw that Shadow was there.

I think the biggest sign is that the artist is a tentacle... with a berret.

Hate admitting it... but damn that's me now.

My shamepile is huge, I just can't be bothered with giving a shit. Hell I've spent more on my computer than the vehicle I drive! I blame going to PC. Damn. Shit. Poopybutt.

I wonder if this artist has ever seen breasts outside of anime.

The cover also works for the other main story: 'How to become a video game tester'.

Does anyone know what a Slowpoke is supposed to resemble? Is it a hippo?