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Have you tried Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey or Shin Megami Tensei IV? They're on portables and they're not as beautiful, well crafted or difficult but they're damn good games and while they don't completely scratch the itch for another game of Nocturne's caliber they do offer some relief.

Any reason to post this:

Ah, Nocturne...and we'll never see a sequel or third installment because Atlus is riding the Persona 4 dick until it falls off and then they'll reattach it.

Hurray for civility on the internet!

Sucks for you!

This scene is terrible. Jackson LOVES Spielbergian close calls and action scenes, but the guy just doesn't know when to rein it in.

"A Florida Man"

Ugh. I feel like I'm the only one who liked exploring planets in the Mako in ME1. I'd rather they expanded on that game mechanic than have planet scanning =\

So now we have someone to blame for Mass Effect planet scanning....

I've always pictured Steam like this.

- Yes, this is very first world problemy. Know that I don't wake up every morning shaking my fists at the sky, screaming WHY CAN'T THE STEAM STORE BE BETTER. It's just a gradual annoyance that's bugged me enough days I felt like writing about it.

Here's what the internet sounds like when a new console is reviewed.

Oh snap....

The dream is dead.

The movie tie-in video game curse continues :D