
My hands can touch everything but themselves...

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We've reached out to Activision for comment on the situation, and will update the post should the company respond. http://www.giantbomb.com/articles/infin...

This game was so beautiful but it felt empty, after the initial awe and excitement it was just boring, there was no interesting story what so ever.

almost half of the top 20 are characters from FF6

I am disappointed by the lack of Draco from DragonHeart.

When I came across this question during my playthrough, I told the cold and cool tsundere Rinko—out of sheer morbid curiosity—that I preferred bubbly happy girls. The result was terrifying. Basically, by acting nearly the opposite of how she would normally, everything she said felt forced, fake, and like she was

"Why did you name your castle 'The World'?"

Actually it's the first episode of the second season wherein the main character kills the, up to that point, second main character. It's a HUGE spoiler and easily one of the most shocking things in the entire series.

You know I usually hate the spoiler gestapo, but I kind of agree on this one. Most people have no idea this show exists.

But they'll look back at Microsoft trying to ease them into

No BMO inspired designs?

So, what happened to me, two years ago, is, I want to this fancy restaurant in my hometown, La Paz, Mexico, Baja California Sur... And something was special about the place, it was very subtle, and I took a while to click, but then I realized the pianist was playing the Fairy Fountain song from Zelda a Link to the


Just wait! One day, the Vocaloids will rise up against humanity, too. I shall prepare myself for our musically inclined digital overlords.

I think you mean current-gen, Patricia.

RT scores (much like Metacritic scores) have nothing to do with movie quality. They just measure how much of the population enjoyed the film, and as such, there's a 88% chance you would like TDKR. You didn't, so you're in that 12% that don't.