
Cool! But y'know what I'd really like to see?

I've learned not to rely on the ability of people to perceive implied sarcasm on the internet.

I don't prefer Kirby angry.

You know, when this game was first announced I was a bit cynical about it - just another grimdark modern shooter with Nazis in it. But watching these last few trailers you get the feeling like the game doesn't take itself too, too seriously, which is nice. Too many games on the market these days mistake hyperrealism

Nintendo hasn't been profitable, Sony's stock is considered junk, and Microsoft has been losing money in the video game market since they entered it. I sure hope the irony of digging up ET isn't lost on them.

One negative assumption after another. That's clearly now how dating sims are at all in actuality. It's often a lot harder to court digital girls than people always assume. And the best of dating sim games often are very well written with far more natural movement to the story than something hemmed in there like in a

Earlier today a kid (maybe 13ish) asked me to get a game out of our cabinet for him (I'm temporarily working at target). He walks me over and I ask him which game he wants, and he REALLY sheepishly says "Pokemon Y" and tries to sort of hide it behind a laugh and an that awkward standing dance you do when you're

shouldn't be embarrassed until you're marrying a body pillow. Then you have to wonder where you made a wrong turn in your life.

Future sociopathic murderer.

If you close your eyes, it sounds like these two guys are playing. It makes it better.

Have you ever hit your head on a low door-frame, or are you at such a height that you accidentally knee children in the face?

All the planets were represented (including Pluto) at one time or another, and they were all the leggiest motherfuckers you've ever seen.

Not just you. Funny enough their regular school girl outfits are way more conservative than they used to be. Long long skirts.

As a tall person with long legs, I'm glad to see characters being represented at a proper height and not like all you midgets under 6'2".

Cant we all just be...Sun Bros!

Lackluster AI... or just following the first law of robotics

Nice save.

More or less. He sounds like DocSeuss!

Now playing

Here's a pretty detailed analysis why this guy atleast thinks it's dissapointing game compaired to the previous soul games:

Do I detect the next photoshop contest material?