
caters to an extremely non-mainstream audience

Okay, irrationality wins. Carry on.

Uh, really. High-profile has nothing to do with popularity among gamers or quality. I didn't say "best", I didn't say "most beloved", and I didn't say "Let's be jerks in the comment section."

"I'm cussing while wearing a jacket, I am sooo edgy!"

Man, his act got real old real fast.

In the thumbnail I thought it was a kazoo.

༼ つ◕_◕༽つ420 praise it ༼ つ◕_◕༽つ

Has the Power Rangers movie taught us nothing!

Yep. As dude said above, it sold well- but not nearly as well as expected. For perspective, Atari also produced more cartridges of the original Pac-Man 2600 port than there were consoles in existence at the time- again, due to market demand that they expected to exist.

And now the evil once buried is unleashed upon us all.

I know others have answered your question, but here's further embarrassing proof if you were interested :D


There are only a handful of people I know, men or women, that play games as I play them. And that's certainly no demographic sample, since my "methodology" for choosing friends is by definition subjective. I would assume the same is true for you.

We've all been dying since the 90s.

Game: Infinite Undiscovery

Platform: PS3, Xbox 360

I want a story for once where the near-omnipotent hero just slowly ends up losing more and more and more humanity as he or she marches on becoming some inhuman force or deus ex machina in some weird reversal of character development.

I enjoy the odd poke at this idiot as much as the next guy. And yeah, it's funny to see him when he was a little cunt. But, I feel that the eye roll and shrug of "oh, North Korea" is really starting to numb people to how much of a monster he is.