
Fine ya fuckin' nerds, I'll watch the final cut.

I think most games could be improved by the addition of a chess clock. Playing boardgames with people who suffer from analysis paralysis can be maddening.

I don't understand the stigma around this, especially when in most contexts, people are fascinated and entertained by glitches/these runs take lots of skill.

Good design. Armored figures have often concealed gender, and I appreciate the effort at productive ambiguity - the character has some distinct features (a sword, armor) and many things left to the imagination (precise identity, gender, motivation).

Great use of negative space.

Clearly a human, so not species neutral. I am a non-binary star lizardkin, and the lack of trigger warnings on this have caused me severe emotional stress.

Now playing

I actually came across this critique on the game today and quite frankly he nailed pretty much all the points and gripes I had with part 2. Still it's a great game, I feel it swayed more in favour of fun but lost the deep and believable atmosphere of DkS 1. Definitely worth a watch, a long one too!

Melllvar, is that you?


I've been praisin' since before I worked here, man.

Actually, your reaction has made me feel quite amused.

But it's not class neutral however. What if I want to play a non-armored, cloth wearing mage or healer?

I was playing Pokemon yellow and my mom called me for dinner so i threw it on a couch and went to eat. I came back and noticed that the game had gone to the start menu and when i went to play my save EVERYTHING WAS GONE THE END I'M GONNA GO CRY NOW ARE YOU HAPPY?!

The only ones who have any love for the vita are vita owners themselves.

Or something actually horrific like possible rape-porn, possible torture porn or possible child porn. In these kind of jobs, those are the things that would leave you sickened, not watching some dudes suck each other off.

It's amazing aside from one toddler, the rest don't seem to mind at all

Ah! I get it! Cool Potato!

And never forget, Brandon0151. Never forget.

Wow check out those midichlorians!