Joan of Snark

Take a closer look at the relationship in '50 Shades'. It's abusive, plain and simple. Full disclosure: I have not read the books, mainly because I have tried several times to start the first one and not been able to read past the second chapter because the writing was so awful. I am, however, involved in the kink and

> ... which I enjoyed for it's sheer simple stupidity..

Way to be judge-y! It's actually quite nice. :)

I no longer serve, but I worked at a Berkeley restaurant for 3 years. I swear to god, I waited on pint glass guy. I remember getting a lecture over whether our pints were real pints and how other local restaurants have gotten caught serving 12 oz pints and blah blah. He's definitely an obnoxious person to wait on.

True story: I was at Folsom Street Fair a few years ago and this really gorgeous pinup type groped and fondled me. I'm a dork and was too tongue-tied to get her name, but it was a definite highlight of the day. Later, I thought, 'What the hell' and posted a Missed Connection. Her friend saw it and had the girl email

Maybe he has a homeless fetish, maybe he uses that tactic because it makes him feel like they're dependent on him, but either way, he could actually have this kind of relationship if he delved into the kink scene. He basically wants a 24/7 D/s relationship and the terms are really good, actually, if viewed in this

Definitely, it can be any field that you don't use regularly. BPM is something I would never fill in, so it's safe for me to fiddle with.

If you're going to do that, skip the extra step and do what I've been doing (though, your way is faster, so gonna try it!)..

I'm right there with you. Middle school was what I would identify, as an adult, as 'a neverending personal Hell'.

I'm on board. I would totes read this, it'd be bad-ass!

I worked at OG for 3 years and very little was frozen or out of a bag. Now, Applebee's, yes. Soups, sauces, everything from a box, bag, or powder. It's been a while since I last worked at OG, but for a chain restaurant, I was very impressed with their food prep. Soups and sauces were made fresh daily, from scratch.

I worked at Olive Garden for 2+ years in a small town. One day, I had a table of four and as I was taking their orders, a young woman asked, "Is there meat in the meat sauce?"

I worked at a restaurant that served breakfast and brunch. There is a surprising number of otherwise worldly-seeming people that have no idea what you're talking about when you ask how they want their eggs done.

My first thought upon reading the headline was that the author couldn't possibly be female. With a name like Kate, I guess I was wrong, so now I suspect that you've been one very lucky lady in terms of online dating.

Trust me when I say that this is not a 'new trend' by any measure. This bullshit has been happening

I worked at a preschool and there were a brother/sister pair that obviously came from a disturbed home life. The 3-year-old boy in my class, J, in particular had anger issues and an eye-popping vocabulary for a kid that age. He brought "motherfucker" to school, which a very sweet girl took home and we got a call from

I'm sorry, all I heard was "I didn't actually comprehend what you wrote, but I like to jump to conclusions as an excuse to be a dick unnecessarily on the internet! I am a witless troll."

I'm completely with you, dude. I'm from CA, but I lived in VA for a few years. My then-girlfriend was late to the airport in DC, so I was speeding. I had no clue about the reckless driving thing until I got pulled over, clocked at 81 mph, and slapped with a reckless driving charge and court date. So much about this

Black bears are not always black. :) The color of their fur varies from blond to black. (source, with bonus: how to tell grizzlies and black bears apart)

I'm in the 'too much eye contact for some people' camp. I like eye contact, it doesn't freak me out, and I'm always observing people for micro-expressions and such that will fill me in on how they really feel.

I read about this like 10 years ago, and they called it 'the power stare'. You look at the nose bridge area between their eyes or eyebrows, and it's really weird for people because it looks like you're looking them in the eyes in a super intense manner cause your eyes don't move. It's fun to try on people to watch