Joan of Snark

I agree that this is a huge blunder on the part of Shutterfly. Many of us will blow it off as spam, but it's going to be an unwelcome blow to the rest. I imagine, if I'd lost a child or was unable to have children, it would feel like a gut-punch to receive this email.

Am I the only one that's tried compressed air on every possible thing containing particles and/or crevices? I find ridiculously fun.

A friend of mine died suddenly last year. She was ill, but expected to have much more time, so it was a shock when she passed. She'd moved a couple of states away, basically to spend her last days with family, and had been not using FB.

One of our close friends notified me via phone call, but otherwise, I would have

I'm all for disdaining duckfaces and pointless selfies, but this actually has a root in fine arts. I'm kind of confused about why a digital still life is considered a bad thing, because that's basically what this is. A still life is a carefully arranged scene, completely under the control of the artist, and it's meant

I agree. I've been there, too. One completely unbelievable lady who behaved like the Red Queen in Alice in Wonderland wound up being a professor at a fairly prestigious local university. I felt really bad for her students.

I pray to the microbial gods that this is true. Please let it be true.

All the end pairings seemed really weird to me, and very unsatisfying.

She needs to fire her photographer because the lighting in these photos is pure shit. So, not only incredibly disrespectful, but the photos suck. Good job.

This has very little to do with Lena Dunham and everything to do with unrealistic beauty standards in general. OF COURSE they Photoshopped her. Even the most beautiful among us, those paid for their beauty (models and actors, at least partially), get dramatically altered in Photoshop. So, when the most beautiful

I gravitated toward online connections the moment I heard about it back in the early '90s. There was a local BBS called SFNet that had coin-op terminals in coffee houses throughout the city, and that was where I got my start, chatting online with some amazingly witty strangers. I had so much more of a social life in

I am quite surprised to see that like 80% of the comments are anti-fragrance and/or leap to someone having bad hygiene because they enjoy wearing a scent. I'm a fragrancephile and I have great hygiene, thanks! There are a variety of factors which dictate how strong, horrible, etc. a fragrance is on someone. One is the

My field is Wildlife Biology and animals in captivity make me sad, but large aquatic mammals in captivity breaks my heart. It only adds insult too injury that they are made to perform for our entertainment. Dolphins are incredibly intelligent, which makes it worse; just imagine being stuck in such small confinement

I'm totally with you here. It's kinda cute, but is generally pretty boring due to how average it is. I mean, I see much cuter and sexier lingerie on the reg that is in no way affiliated with that bound collection of word vomit. This seems like a blatant way to capitalize on the bizarre success of those incredibly

Wow.. This looks PAINFULLY bad and I'm so glad to have missed it. I would not have lasted more than five minutes.

Oh, good catch! I totally failed to notice that.

In the US, it seems to be only the international flights that still get meals in Economy. I have family in Europe and periodically fly to visit. The first-leg flight across the country (5-6 hours), you are given drinks, but are expected to have brought food with you or you can purchase meals and snack packs for

There's a huge mental component as I'm sure you know, so maybe if you can work out what's holding you back, you can address it. I'm pretty much the opposite of a prude in anyone's estimation, but I often have trouble getting off with new partners. I'm very cerebral and find it hard to get out of my head at the moments

Agreed. I wanted to be prepared, myself, so I would get everything out before the cop came to my window. I stopped doing this after one of them misunderstood my movements and suspected that I'd tossed drugs or something out of the passenger window, which had happened to be cracked open for air while driving.

I worked banquets for five years at an upscale facility and in that time, we had numerous baby shower events. Thinking about it now, I realize that I magically happened to be off the hook for most of them, thank god. I'd help set up and break down, but fortunately would be working other events instead. I always