Joan of Snark

I'm a bit shocked to see that it has only 16 GB of storage. In this day and age of cheap storage, I just can't fathom it. You'd have to keep everything on a separate drive and I can imagine that becoming a pain in the ass pretty quickly.

Au contraire. I found this to be a very entertaining read. First, I ignore this kind of shit (fashion shows) because the outfits are so ridiculous and, honestly, I never get it. It just seems like the goal is to out-weird the competition. So, I would have completely missed out on all the WTFery — hello, Native

The only way I'm able to deal with it is to remind myself that it's what people with zero grasp on the English language use to describe something sucky. Zero grasp. Like, there are probably a hundred adjectives to describe lameness and suckiness, but 'gay' is what we're going with... hokay.

I'm on my second Safeway Club card that is completely anonymous. I discovered the first time that the employee will hand you a card and the application thingy, but not wait for you to fill it out and return it. As an experiment, I threw away the application and used the card to see how long I could go before they

Ugh. Someone needs to teach this kid proper 'loc maintenance. What a mess.

I've had several paranormal experiences in my life, but the following was the first time I knew I had experienced something incredibly weird.

I have no explanation for the figure you saw, and frankly, you all are much braver than I would have been, had I come upon that on a dark, lonely highway. Holy shit.

I don't know what it is, but the Pine Barrens have a very spooky feel to them. The place just feels weird.

I've had several paranormal experiences in my life, but the following was the first time I *knew* I had experienced something incredibly weird.

Bee-tee-dubs, it's DINA Eastwood, not Diana.

You totally win with the electric moka, seeing as it's perfect for the office kitchen situation! I just want to add in a hearty 'yes, the moka!!' That's the closest I've come to espresso at home without a machine and it's perfectly good enough for me.

Date only within your hotness range? Sure, if you want to limit yourself and close yourself off to any uber-hotties that might want to date you. I personally prefer to shoot for the moon!

Keep in mind that, until we have independent size verification, this is 7" on the 'internet inches' scale. C'mon ladies, you know about internet inches, amirite?

Keep in mind that, until we have independent size verification, this is 7" on the 'internet inches' scale. C'mon ladies, you know about internet inches, amirite?

They did a text comparison of the fanfic (entitled 'Master of the Universe', snerk) and '50 Shades', which were found to be 89% identical. She went through, changed names, punctuation, etc. You can find a PDF of MoU if you Google; it's poorly-written fanfic that miraculously got a book deal.

Word. There seems to be confusion as to what 'slow fade' means. It's one thing if the connection peters out, but I keep seeing people being dicks on purpose and calling it a 'slow fade', like it's a 'get out of being an insensitive dickface' card. Flaking out on plans, ignoring someone, making them sit and wonder —

That's my problem with it, that so much of it is artificial-tasting weirdness. I ignore the pumpkin spice craze during the fall, but I will say that I was highly encouraged to sample a friend's Trader Joe's pumpkin spice rooibos tea and I was kind of blown away by how good it was. Like I said, I'm not into following

I've trained a few dickhead managers this way. They went from being unpleasant and condescending to friendly, jokey, and kind. In a couple of cases, they loved me and remained dicks to everyone else. I guess it could be perceived as manipulative/sociopathic, but I've got a background in Animal Behavior and Psych, so I

Wow. That dress would be risqué even by today's standards; can you imagine how absolutely shocking it must have been back then? She was already pushing 'decency' by showing so much of her back, but dang girl, you go with the butt cleavage.