I know. I meant that more as a general post in the same vein. :)
I know. I meant that more as a general post in the same vein. :)
I would say to love your 20's as much as you can now.. it will be impossible to see until later, but you are in a uniquely awesome place in your life. You're figuring yourself out, gaining confidence, and exploring the world. You probably haven't hardened yet, so you're much more open to new experiences that your…
I would say to love your 20's as much as you can now.. it will be impossible to see until later, but you are in a uniquely awesome place in your life. You're figuring yourself out, gaining confidence, and exploring the world. You probably haven't hardened yet, so you're much more open to new experiences that your…
Well, it's unsanitary, for one. You touch the scoop, bury it in the food, and voila, it's pretty much all contaminated by whatever you had on your hands.
Well, it's unsanitary, for one. You touch the scoop, bury it in the food, and voila, it's pretty much all contaminated by whatever you had on your hands.
^^ Yup. Most servers, if they're experienced at all, know that everything pretty much evens out over time (tip average, number of covers, check average), so your one low tip will even out. Servers making consistently shitty tips don't stay in the business, which self-selects for competency in this way. So one or a few…
Now, see, I would totes watch that, whereas you couldn't pay me to watch it as is.
This was a good read and very well-written. Also very brave. :)
Good gravy. I do love when the crazy ones hold up a giant neon sign saying "Super Crazypants Here! Flee! Flee!" — makes it so much easier to recognize them as nuts and then back slowly away.
I don't see it as being over the top. It's conversational, and I like it. I have to point out that this site is intended for adults, not high schoolers, and therefore will be populated with words and topics that are better suited for adults. As a teacher, surely you can devise a creative way to share the information…
I worked banquets as a server for several years and have done so many weddings that I lost count long ago. I have seen some awesome weddings, ridiculous weddings, and everything in between. It was common practice at many of these receptions to have disposable cameras on the tables as a kind of party favor. I always…
A sloppily-dressed guy came into my work one day, saying he was a beverage distributor and wanted to speak with the owners. I checked with them and was told we were set for distributors, so I went back and apologetically told him so. He then completely flipped his shit on me and started berating me for 'shutting him…
I totally see your point and I agree, but I'm kind of torn in a selfish way because the day I start is usually pretty physically uncomfortable and it would be nice to not have to work while I feel like crap. I have to work on my feet and deal with the public.. maybe it would be better for all involved if I was allowed…
The copyright at the bottom says 1981, so that could very well be possible.
Have no fear, the sun does the same job.
Brilliant gif usage.
I think it's respectful and considerate to change the sheets between partners. The thought of being in a bed where people that aren't me were getting down is absolutely abhorrent to me. It makes my skin crawl. I do not at all want to be exposed to other people's sweat and bodily fluids, and if I found out that I had…