
I was making Christmas cookies after I prepared a pot roast. So the big brown bottles that are approximately the same size and shape were next to each other. I was in a hurry, not wearing my glasses, and was a bit distracted. I didn't use measuring spoons because I can kinda eyeball when enough is enough. I didn't

Lol how did you confuse those two the first time you made them???

I enjoyed my quiet alone day today. I made walnut cookies. This time I used vanilla instead of the worcestershire sauce. Made all the difference in the world. These are actually edible! Yum!

In the grey.. BUT. I want to discuss alcohol. How much do you Jezzies drink on average? Daily, weekly, monthly? No judgment from me! I'm at a point where I feel like I rely too much on wine to deal with stress and anxiety. I quit cold turkey on NYE and went about 1.5 weeks. No withdrawals, just a bit trouble sleeping,

OK, Ladies (& Gents). Having a pretty serious issue and would like your feedback.

I was kicked out of a wedding party this past summer— my grandfather collapsed the day before the wedding and I drove two hours to the city where he lived to say goodbye (he passed away two days after the wedding). I was there and back in plenty of time for the wedding and wedding prep, but because I had missed the

My sister had a very close guy friend who she had previously dated years and years before. When he got engaged, he asked her to be in the wedding and she very excitedly accepted. It was only AFTER she bought the bridesmaid's dress that his fiancee told her she didn't want her in the bridal party after all. My sister

So this ended up being the opposite of kicking everyone out (although it started out that way) For my brother's wedding-my sister in law has a long standing beef with one of her sisters and to cut down on drama decided to not have any family members in the wedding party. Except the one sister she likes. Needless to

Flung a set of car and house keys into my eye when I released my teeth from the stretchy cord they were attached to.

I can't believe it took me so long to remember this. I was felled by karma.

I was eating chocolate pudding at a normal and not at all vigorous pace and apparently hyperextended my tongue. I pulled whatever muscle lives across the underside of my chin, and it was incredibly painful. I spent the rest of the day sitting in silence, holding frozen peas between my chin and my clavicle.

I was intermittently getting horrible neck and shoulder pain for a while in my 20s — to the degree that I'd be stiff and extremely sore for a couple of days. Then I spent a few days visiting OOT friends, flew home super hungover and spent the next two days just hanging out in the bed with novels and snacks. Woke up

I once dropped an ice cube on my toe, slicing it open so badly that I have a scar from it now.

Ooo.. I have so many but the one that was the dumbest was when I broke my toe dancing to the pussycat dolls song when I grow up...While playing Just Dance... on wii so I didn't even need to move my legs, but I was feeling it so yea that happened.

I already posted one but I just realized I have done something MUCH dumber.

mine is short and sweet, and i hope it gets read because i think i am literally the only person in the world who this has happened to. it is very low on the pain scale, and i have many stupid stories of getting myself injured, but this is my favorite story by far:

I used to be a varsity athlete. During one tournament, I had a lower-body injury and was not allowed to play, so my coach sent me to go do a light workout on an arm ergometer (which is like a stationary bike for your upper body). I was sitting on a stability ball working away on the arm ergometer when a song came on

I worked in shipping/receiving at a catalog store. Every day the manager of the jewelry department would come out and we would open and verify all of the UPS jewelry shipments from corporate. Anyway she was very tall and blonde, and I was flirting with her with a small cardboard box in my left hand and a sharp razor

My friend and I were goofing around with the dog and bumped into a wall, which sent a huge hanging mirror crashing to the floor. We brilliantly decided that the best way to clean up was to put all the shards of glass into a trash bag. So we did. Then my friend tried to drag this heavy ass trash bag - full of huge

Running in place. Fell and twisted my ankle.