
Ok y'all. I know I'll never get out of the greys, so I don't have a prayer, but I've got to try.

This is clearly where all the cool amazing Texans are congregating.

Recently moved from Austin to Houston for job reasons and I need friends! Talk to me, especially if you're in Houston and you're feeling my feelings of

Please PM me! I'm also an Austin-ite recently relocated to Houston for work reasons! Need friends who get me!!!

Well, a lot of this is dependent on where you work, and what commute you can handle, but my husband and I are really loving Clear Lake. Very nice, very affordable.

Pain after every meal? When that happened to me, it turned out to be a bowel obstruction (also known as Petersen's Hernia, which is where your intestines are twisting and untwisting, when they're twisted, the food can't pass through). My bowel obstruction required emergency, middle-of-the-night surgery. Untreated, a

I met my husband in a LiveJournal community. Unfortunately it seems that nobody LiveJournals anymore...

If you're in the US, you can get a FHA loan called a 203K loan, which will loan you more than the purchase price, specifically for fixing the place up. That's how we bought our house that needed a new roof and new A/C without having lots of excess cash to throw at it. You could get a good inspection and contractor

The point JustLikeTheFilm makes about persistence is really important. I was a gifted kid and I was so used to things coming easy to me. I never learned how to be persistent. I was never in athletics that might teach me about sticking with something after it gets hard. As an adult I still struggle with that. I'd

Lived in Austin for years, but now we live in Houston, where both my husband and I got 30% raises (for doing the same jobs we had in Austin), and we pay less for housing. Austin is fun, but the economy is out of whack there right now. Not California-level out of whack, but by Texas standards. You can get further in

Girl on Guy, Aisha Tyler's podcast. If you like Nerdist I think you'll like it.

You can also just check the realty websites for rentals, same way that people do when they're looking to buy. For example, I'm looking in Houston right now and I check HAR for rental houses there (Houston Association of Realtors).

Your employer is paying your tuition, so check your benefits. They might claw back the value of the tuition out of your paycheck if you withdraw. You might find yourself suddenly out thousands of dollars that you weren't expecting.

Cosign this. That Grindhouse sharpener is the bomb.

Your job will likely make you pay the tuition yourself if you withdraw. Check with your benefits department, but you're likely stuck now unless you want to come up with the tuition money on your own.

It's that toothy, ready smile. I'm a sucker for guys with a toothy smile that flash it all the time.

Meet with a financial aid counselor. They can declare you as an independent younger than the age of 24 if you convince them.

Let's see... I met one friend through her excellent posts on austincommunity on LiveJournal, and I reached out to her and asked her if she'd like to split a personal trainer with me. She turned out to be a social connector who introduced me to a big group of girlfriends.

I haven't but a close friend has, and she recommends it. She and her husband went at a critical point in their marriage and they learned to understand each other better and communicate with each other better, and now they're going on 10 years of marriage. It can definitely be successful if you don't wait too long to

Coaches are much more action-oriented than therapists. They don't delve into your dysfunctional childhood, they only help you figure out what isn't working today and help you figure out what to do about it. Can be very helpful in a situation where you feel like you're stuck or like you don't know your own mind about

Ok. I went from "never" to "usually". The trick is to mess with your masturbation routine. Do what works for you right up to the cliff and then switch to something else (i.e., move from clit to penetration). Don't go back to the tried and true, if it doesn't work then no orgasm for you. Repeat until you're able to

Magnesium. Big piles of it before bed. If you get the runs, you're taking too much and need to reign it back. Cured me of a 3-year insomnia stretch that I thought was gonna kill me.