Yes, when you work as an assistant, your relationship with your boss - your chemistry with them - is paramount. Good for you!
Yes, when you work as an assistant, your relationship with your boss - your chemistry with them - is paramount. Good for you!
I'm sorry dizzy. If it makes you feel better, I didn't get my first real boyfriend until I was 27. (YAY internet dating sites!)
You're in Texas? Austin has BookWoman:
Here you go!
I think I'm kind of... OVER the whole alcoholic beverage thing. I'm closing in on 40 and drinking just isn't *fun* anymore. It makes me hazy and less present with my friends. And it steals my memories of my fun times with my favorite people. And if I stick to just one drink then it just makes me tired and sleepy.
I think I'm kind of... OVER the whole alcoholic beverage thing. I'm closing in on 40 and drinking just isn't *fun* anymore. It makes me hazy and less present with my friends. And it steals my memories of my fun times with my favorite people. And if I stick to just one drink then it just makes me tired and sleepy.
I think you just need to organize more things, and invite all your peeps, regardless of whether they know each other already. They don't have to be elaborate, for example, tonight I'm throwing a Peanut Butter & Jelly party where people are going to bring things for PB&J.
I've *never* checked for my strings because I have short, stubby fingers. I've been IUD'd for 7 years. I wouldn't worry about it.
This is an excellent tip!
I kinda like it. I like to read magazines while "backseat driving" somebody else's video gaming. I holler out "you forgot some gold up on the upper left!" and "He's totally gonna loop around and hit you from the other side!"
I think they don't have to knock you over with their looks off the bat, but you have to think they're fairly cute. And you have to like how they smell. If you've got those two things then that's the foundation that you need for liking their personality and values, etc to fill in the rest.
When I was dating — before I was a married old lady ;-) — I always found little signs of nervousness on a guy's part to be utterly and completely charming. A little bit of stammering would melt my heart.
Awh hon. Just because two people are together, that doesn't mean they actually have or even know love.
Yes! This! Anyplace that would reject you for those reasons is a place that would just make you day-to-day miserable anyway. It's best to be as 100% yourself as possible in interviews, so you end up at a place you don't hate. At least, that's my philosophy.
I've cried my goodbyes to every car I've ever given up. You're not alone on that one.
Turingtested, what I replied to the OP also applies to you, assuming your schooling is heavy on the statistics and research (rather than heavy on the counseling), and if you'd dig monitoring clinical trials for psych drugs.
I haven't noticed anybody mentioning smell as a tool against Teh Drowsy! Mint smells can help keep me more awake and alert, and citrus smells are also very good. I like to get a nice deep whiff of Lush "Whoosh" temple balm. It really helps!
Seconding the suggestion to donate to a women's shelter. They're always in need of clothing in larger sizes!
Depending on whether you fit into Victoria's Secret, they have a line of cotton underwire bras. Try the full-coverage, unlined. I got a bunch of those in 34DD at the outlet store recently and I'm really liking them. The cotton is nice.