Is there an org or like a GoFundMe or anything where people can throw a few bucks to maybe help cover these kids’ costs?
Is there an org or like a GoFundMe or anything where people can throw a few bucks to maybe help cover these kids’ costs?
The worst part of that statement is how knowingly bullshit it is. Pursuing legal avenues as a victim in ANY case of sexual assault is fucking traumatic as all hell, and those staffers know it.
Thanks. I keep telling myself this, so it’s good to hear it from outside as well. Seems less like I’m just trying to make myself feel better.
Yeah, I recently engaged with the legal system to “speak my truth” in regards to the sexual assault I experienced as a barely 18-year-old, and it was fucking miserable.
Ditto. We must be roughly around the same age :P
Obvs, I can’t do this because I am Canadian, but is there any way you can update this post to include a list or ranking of progressive female candidates, with links to be able to contribute financially (or with time) to their election campaigns?
Yep. Of all the reporting/coverage on this bullshit mess, that’s the line/piece that’s never going to leave my brain.
I can’t see this going anywhere. I can’t imagine a scenario in which a cultural difference would be considered an excuse for violating safe workplace policy. That, plus, “culture” is not in the list of classes protected in discrimination legislation.
I feel like allowing this to go to court is almost a political…
Ditto with Canada.
Throw Sam Fuentes on that list. She was also amazing.
I think you guys *can* give them the reform they need. It’s mid-term year, so just keep these kids and their bad-assery in the public mind. Amplify their voices. Remind them they’ve got a whole world watching them with awe and pride. Drown out the assholes for them.
Might be a nice time for a whole army of people to write/tweet/whatever her and the other kids leading this movement to tell them we’ve got their backs, and those who are attacking them are only doing so because they’re scared.
Everyone with a Twitter account should go report that for harassment.
I gave the first season a shot and ended up watching the whole season over a weekend. I really enjoyed it (and I’m not a huge “zombie story” fan, either)
Precisely. The fault is not PC culture, it’s you’ve refused to evolve with changing tastes.
Yeah, this always blows my mind, too. Like, no one is saying you CAN’T make “tranny” jokes... do whatever the fuck you want. There’s no law against it.
Yeah, there’s always at least one moment in every single Weekend Update where Che delivers some shitty punch-down punchline and I’m just like “Why is this guy here? There’s gotta be someone out there who can deliver some funny to the SNL audience without constantly going for the low-hanging fruit”
Well, considering a change of leadership is what led to the NRA in its current form, that may be an option (it’s actually a pretty nutty story. The org used to be about common-sense gun legislation, then basically had a leadership coup d’etat in the 70's and became the org we all know and hate today).
Hell yeah. I’d been documenting 9 months of workplace bullying and mobbing, and finally reached out to my HR rep to discuss it all.