
Because child molesters tend to get murdered by other inmates in prisons, they’re often kept in solitary for their own “safety”.

If not suicide, the other inmates will be more than happy to help shuffle him off this mortal coil. My wager is also at a year or two, tops.

I think kalefornia wasn’t referring so much to prison rape as a result of his incarceration so much as, if he’s in gen-pop for even a hot minute, he probably won’t live through it.

Though like, murder is pretty awful also (it just wasn’t a rape-joke)

Hannah, you might be interested in doing a piece after this one about the Trump admin removing endangered species protected status from the Canada Lynx, which is predicted to be extinct by 2100 without intervention.

You’re right, I missed the “who voted”. The original sentence made it sound like 96% of Black people who voted, voted for Jones and 98% of that number was made up of Black women (which is almost numerically impossible. lol)

If big Pharma felt they could make money on weed strains, they would be throwing a chunk of their lobbying money into pushing the Feds to overhaul the law.

The big money-maker for pharmaceutical companies is being able to hold patents on new drugs for X period of time before they have to make it available for other companies to make generic versions.

98% of Black women voted for Jones. That sentence was awful.

I mean, if the intent of people who push for “drug testing” is the cost-savings, they really need to drop their push now that several data sets shows it costs more to drug-test welfare recipients than it saves by cutting off their support/funding (and that’s not even including the extra costs that hit the system when

Did you mean to respond to someone else?

Having gone through the process, I could list off a whole number of things that could be done in terms of reform to make this easier on complainants. I bet you could find some orgs that are advocating for just that, and I’m sure they’d love to have your support :)

There’s a lot of folks who consider female drag queens (not kings) to be culturally appropriating gay culture.

I don’t think you understand what it’s like to give sexual assault testimony to a room full of strangers in grossly explicit detail, and then go through a cross-exam by a defence lawyer where they cast aspersions and doubts on everything you just said (as the accused is entitled to a vigorous defence).

It’s incredibly

It’s interesting you bring up the satanic panic cases. In the case of the McMartin Preschool allegations, one of the children who testified came forward as an adult to publicly admit to being coached (and this was a pre-school aged child, keep in mind):

“Never did anyone do anything to me, and I never saw them doing

While I don’t have stats handy, most of the cases I’ve seen that involve children who are coached by a parent or authority figure as children to spin a tale about sexual abuse, come forward as adults and say “yep, I was coached. I remember”

True, and there’s just something about her that I can’t quite put my finger on. Makes her very unlikable.

I agree with your points, but in this particular scenario, it’s looks pretty damn poor that the candidates/reps affected by her decision amounts to “basically all women in the dem party, plus some dudes”.

Completely fair. Sounds like you don’t have a ton of extra cycles, and that’s totally okay. You have to prioritize yourself. <3

Again, not what I said. Give it another try.

Yep, I definitely do a mix: whatever you can, whenever you have the energy for it (but I don’t beat myself up for all the times where I’ve got none)